ALLEGAN — The $65 million project to bring broadband, hi-speed internet access to unserved areas of Allegan County, continues to connect residents to the world wide web. The county organized the project using $17 million in federal ARPA funds to leverage funding from 123Net and the state’s
ROBIN program, also funded by federal awards.
As of mid-November, 3,126 residents of the 11,000 targeted have been provided with access to hi-speed
service through the installation 415 miles of fiber optic cable and 483 miles of conduit.
Four of the twelve work zones designated by 123Net are complete.
These zones are in the eastern part of the county. A fifth zone, in the county’s
northwest sector, is 72% complete.
“The project is scheduled to be completed by late summer 2025. In addition to 123Net, four
other broadband companies’ construction projects are in various stages of progress. Bloomingdale Communications has completed construction in Cheshire, Trowbridge, and southern Valley townships,” county commission chairman James Story said. “Mercury Broadband is offering fixed wireless service in limited portions of the county, construction started in October. Midwest Energy & Communications will complete construction in Lee, Casco, Cheshire, and Trowbridge townships this year. The company is scheduled to build-out next year in Ganges township and Otsego township in 2026.
123Net reports it has 1,500 customers either connected or awaiting connection. In addition to providing direct service, the cable being installed by the company is an open-access cable, meaning other companies can use it to sell their services.