Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel News

A year in photos

A look-back at 2024. Among notable projects and events during the year were opening of the splash pad park, paving of Franks Avenue and downtown parking lots, opening of apartments at The Watershed, completion of a downtown lighting concept and numerous festivals and holiday events.
Photos by Dennis Volkert/Sturgis Sentinel

Eric Eishen, center, receives a proclamation presented by commissioners Aaron Miller and Frank Perez, marking Eishen’s retirement from Sturgis Bank and his service to the community.
Parade from VFW to Oaklawn Park, where a Memorial Day service took place.
A millage request was approved in the townships of Fawn River, Sherman and Sturgis for Tri-Township ambulance/rescue service.
Work on The Watershed in downtown Sturgis, February 2024. The apartment complex opened to residents Sept. 15.

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