Albion Recorder & Morning Star News



We continue with our theme of “Albion, 100 Years Ago.” October 1, 1924. Headline: “Albion Woman Confesses to Setting Fires. Mrs. Clara Clark Today Admits to Fire Chief Griswold and State Officers That She Started Blazes at the Home of Harriet S. Upright.”

October 2, 1924: “The marital troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dowding of Eckford came to a head yesterday when Mrs. Dowding started suit for divorce. They were married October 24, 1913, and have six children ranging in age from 10 years to 7 months.”

October 6, 1924. “Laurence A. Simale, who was expelled from Albion College Thursday after distributing copies of a pamphlet which contained attacks on College authorities and institutions, was arrested at his home in Flint Sunday and held for Albion officers on a charge of distributing literature of an alleged immoral nature.”

October 7, 1924. Headline: “Fifteen Aliens From Albion to Be Naturalized. Americanization Committee of Chamber of Commerce Gets Results and Local People Will Get First Papers at Marshall Wednesday.” Names listed were: “John Kita, Antonio Asar, Bartalo Giaformaggio, Vincenzo Torre, Sam Mannino, Wasil Kolodica, Vito Asaro, Manson Simon, Patrick Hanratty, Paul Friederick Wilhelm Mueller, Mike Romrk, Mike Tomchak, George Palmer, and John Niecko.”

October 11, 1924. “Elmer Dean who pled guilty to a charge of arson was sentenced to from 1 to 4 years at Jackson prison. Dean owned up to setting fire to the house on a farm owned by him in Lee Township and attempting to collect the insurance on the building and on household goods which previously had been removed from the house.”

October 14, 1924. “Within the next few weeks it is expected that the E. W. Hollingsworth Post No. 219 of the G.A.R. will decide upon a form of memorial to be placed somewhere in the city, perhaps in Victory Park, for local Civil War veterans. This will probably take the form of a big boulder.”

“Stanley Skalski, 10-year-old boy living at 889 Austin Ave. and a pupil at the Austin School, fell from a swing early last evening at the city playground on Austin Ave, and received a severe fracture of one arm, between the elbow and the wrist.”

/October 15, 1924: “Mrs. Mary Kresik and John Puvalachich, whose homes were raided Sept. 16 by local officers who obtained evidence that the two were selling liquor, appeared before Justice W. S. Price this morning.”

October 16, 1924. “It became known today that steps were being taken, through the Chamber of Commerce and other local agencies, to secure a Carnegie medal for Duane Slaughter, Albion’s boy hero, who Monday evening saved the life of Edward Dunn, 2 ½ year old son of Mrs. And Mrs. Harvey Dunn of Washington St.”

October 17, 1924. Headline: “State Bank at Springport is Robbed Today. Four Armed Men Make Getaway in Auto With $5,000 in Cash and $60,000 in Securities, Lock Seven People in Vault.”

October 21, 1924: Headline: “Boy Drowns in Central School Swimming Pool. Body of Underwood Cheek, 15-year-old Colored Lad, Is Found in Water by Members of a Girls’ Swimming Class.”

October 21, 1924: “George Pearson and Caesar Oliver, colored, pled guilty to a charge of gambling and being disorderly, in the court of Justice Wm. S. Price Monday afternoon.”

October 22, 1924: “It was reported today that the Ku Klux Klan would hold a big meeting this evening at the McCormick farm, SW of Albion on the Irwin Ave. Road.”

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