Items of note include the approval of a Department of Public Works request for two additional pickup trucks to be added to the Enterprise fleet vehicle lease, and the approval of resolution 2024-22, awarding the MSHDA CDBG Improving Local Livability (CHILL) Grant Administrator to the Albion Economic Development Corporation.
Through the MSHDA’s CHILL program the City of Albion has been awarded $500,000 for homeowner rehabilitation. This grant program requires a third-party administrator to manage the grant effectively, including project oversight, financial management, and reporting. The AEDC placed the lowest bid at $50,000 (10% of the total grant amount.) As grant administrator, the AEDC will design and manage the application process, ensuring clarity and accessibility for homeowners while also developing transparent procedures for project selection.
Albion Department of Public Safety Chief Scott Kipp announced that the department’s new fire truck would arrive on Tuesday.
ADPS Deputy Chief Jason Kern brought forth a discussion on a proposed fire training facility. The Albion Department of Public Safety is looking to add a live fire training area next to the current police and fire training facility off Gale Street. This live fire burning area will consist of six to eight metal shipping containers that are fixed together with staircases and different points of entry. This facility will allow firefighters to simulate responding to an actual house fire. Having this type of fire training facility in the city of Albion would allow Public Safety to train with neighboring fire departments, as well as host the Calhoun and Jackson County Fire Academies.
Ari McCaskill and Breanna Ridley of Albion College Build Albion Fellows program were present to talk about “The Great Community Give Back” that will be held at the splash pad in McIntosh Park on July 13.
Ridley is one of five fellows working on collecting community data related to housing and equity. They are having the community-based activities day at McIntosh Park to incentivize the data collection and completion of the survey. Residents will need to fill out the survey, either in advance, or at the event in order for kids to participate.
Ridley would also like to make this an annual event to help introduce kids to the Build Albion Fellows program. “Many people don’t know the fellows exist, ” said Ridley, “I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t know they existed until a week before my interview”. Ridley wants this event to help kids know about the opportunities they have to join the fellows in the future.
The data compiled in this survey will be shared to non-profit organizations in Albion such as Habitat for Humanity.
The next meeting of the Albion City Council will be held on Monday, July 15 at 7 p.m. in council chambers at City Hall, 112 W. Cass St., Albion. The meeting can also be viewed on the city’s You Tube page.