Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Allegan City Council opens door to marijuana events and welcomes new intern

By Gari Voss

Allegan City Council’s January 17, 2025’s business began with the First Reading of Ordinanc-es 525 and 526, which is a zoning text amendment that would allow for temporary marijuana events. They moved forward to adjusting the meeting time and agenda for future meetings. Those interested in the Wayfinding plan for the city should mark February 10, 2025.

Marijuana Events
The marijuana business is regulated through zoning ordinances, but previously, there was noth-ing that allowed for special events. Ordinance 525 and Ordinance 526 would open the door for temporary marijuana events to occur within the city limits.
City Manager Joel Dye felt it was important to point out that the only venue large enough (50 acres) to hold an event would be the Allegan County Fairground with hours between 8am and 11pm. The event must be at least 100 feet from property lines. During an event, there would be no overnight storage of marijuana products or materials or waste materials unless they are locked se-curely. Finally, consumption and sales areas must be properly screened and away from traffic and property lines.
The first reading of Ordinance 525 was followed by the First Reading of Ordinance 526 that would allow the city clerk to grant authorization for a temporary marijuana event.
The Council approved setting the date for the Public Hearing, second reading, and voting on Ordinances 525 and 526 for the Monday, February 12, 2025, meeting.

Written Petitions
The Friends of Allegan’s Oakwood Cemetery requested authorization to participate in the Wreaths Across America (WAA) program that would allow citizens of Allegan to Remember, Honor and Teach. WAA would be celebrated December 13, 2025, and coordinates with the laying of wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery.
Amanda Strickfaden shared with the Council that WAA is a non-government program that will allow Oakwood to place wreaths on veterans’ graves. It is believed that this would include be-tween 1000 and 1500 wreaths. The Friends are requesting permission from the Council because the program would require coordinating with the City for staff to help distribute wreaths to the graves, to recycle the boxes in which the wreaths arrive, and to assist in the collection of wreaths plus determine the best disposal.
A motion was made and approved to support this activity knowing that the particulars would be sorted by the Friends of Oakwood Cemetery and the City staff.

Planning Commission. Mayor Traci Perrigo shared that Jason Watts was elected Chair and Ju-lie Emmons Vice-Chair for 2025. Joel Dye presented Ordinance 525. The commissioners ap-proved the amendment going to the City Council for a First Reading and the scheduling of the Public Hearing and Second Reading.
The Commission decided to table the rezoning of 100 Monroe Street from a C-1 Zoning Dis-trict to a C-2 Zoning District because of a clerical error in identifying all of the affected properties.
The Commission expects to review a draft copy of the zoning ordinance in February.

Accounts Payable.
The motion requesting that the City Council approve accounts payable in the amount of $1,619,859.19 and payroll in the amount of $131,110.63 for a total disbursement of $1,750,969.82 passed.
Proposed City Council Rules of Procedure. The Council approved the adjusting of the Council Meeting Schedule. Beginning Monday, February 12, 2025, there will no longer be a Study Session. The City Council meeting will begin at 6:30pm. Much of the agenda will be famil-iar, but time will be allowed for information from groups, and a second Public Comment followed by a round table discussion.

Board Appointments
The Council approved the appointment of Hannah Bazan to Positively Allegan for a term set to expire on December 31, 2027. This is the third appointment that the Council will add to this Board. There are still positions open that will be appointed by other groups.
Anyone wishing to serve on the Positively Allegan team can fill out the application in the Boards and Committees tab of the City of Allegan website.

Study Session
Wayfinding Signage Project. The majority of the Study Session focused on a presentation by City Manager Dye on the progress of the Wayfinding Signage Program. The good news is that Guide Studio is 90% done with the design portion of the project and will be available in Allegan on February 10, 2025, to present their work.
The design process began with a working committee and a focus group that has worked with Guide Studio to develop their plan.
After completing a wayfinding assessment, strategy and recommendations, preliminary pro-gramming, and a wayfinding schematic design, the previous Council approved their work. The sign system should clearly not only assist visitors in navigating Allegan, but align with the city’s “character”.
Guide Studio has constructed maps that identify primary and secondary gateways to get into the city. Special activities like the parks and bike trails, parking lots, entertainment like the theater and museum, food, etc. will be clearly designated.
Dye shared a variety of designs for the different signs. The design of the sign will depend upon the type of information being communicated.
There are still decisions to be made, and the summary of recommendation can facilitate the process.

  1. Establish a sign and messaging hierarchy to get visitors to not only Downtown but to parks, the Sports Complex, etc.
  2. Develop signage that identifies City-owned assets.
  3. Reflect community character.
  4. Identify ways to activate certain spaces to enhance the City’s image as visitor friendly.
  5. Clearly identify public parking.
  6. Generalize signs for “Historic Downtown”.
  7. Facilitate moving visitors from gathering areas like the Fairgrounds and the Sports Complex to Downtown.
  8. Consolidate existing signage – less is best.
    Thoughts continue on how to best capture the city by picking the proper sign format including color pallet.
    There are thoughts about how to go out for “bids”. The full package is quite costly for build-ing and installing signing. Except for some Parking Lot signs, there is no special pot of money for the entire project. It is believed that the total project will not be completed, but it will be parsed out.

New Intern.
Dye introduced Mohamed Gabow who will be an intern focusing on housing. Monday, January 27, 2025, was his first day in town. His initial tour included places that deal with housing issues – Allegan County Community Action, Allegan County Community Foundation, etc.
Gabow was born in Kenya and came to Grand Rapids as a very young child. He grew up in Grand Rapids.
The internship is paid through the Community and Economic Development Association of Michigan (CEDAM). More than 30 people applied to be interns. Only six were placed in posi-tions. Gabow is considered an employee of CEDAM and will continue to receive training and ed-ucation opportunities through CEDAM.
Garbo passionately shared that he knew that 15 months would not be long enough to address all concerns, but he stressed that the focus would be on setting a foundation for the future. His part-ing thought, “People are the most important in this project.” demonstrated his passion to make a difference while in Allegan.

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