By Piper Raab
On the evening of Monday, March 3rd, the Allegan County Sheriff’s Office hosted their Annual Awards Ceremony for 2024, at the Martin High School Auditorium. There were 35 Deputies, in all, that received special recognition and honor for their distinguished service, under the command of Sheriff Frank Baker.
The ceremony was attended by many from the Sheriff’s Office and their families. Five County Commissioners were in attendance:
Mark DeYoung, Gale Dugan, Scott Beltman, Brad Lubbers and Craig VanBeek. County Administrator, Rob Sarro was also in attendance.
Award winners were:
4 — Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) Awards:
Deputy Dillon Kibby, Deputy Adam Earl, Sgt. Hunter Koster,
Deputy Jacob Cage
10 –Professional Excellence Awards:
Deputy Chad Sikkema, Deputy Martin Kaminski, Detective Janel Hagerty, Sgt. Corey Dine, Deputy Tiffany Green, Animal Control Deputy Jim Kimber, Animal Control Deputy Rachel Bywater, Staff member Melissa Mutnansky, Staff member Jim McCormick, Staff member Dave Kortman
7 — Life Saving Awards:
Deputy Hunter Kershaw, Deputy Cesar Cano, Deputy Matthew Greydanus, Deputy Tucker Hoover, Deputy Dillon Schmitt,
Sgt. Sam Squire, Deputy Carson Crisp
1 — Sheriff’s Commendation
Deputy Joe Bronson
2 — Deputies of the Year (one Law Enforcement, one Corrections)
LE -Tyler Jackson, Corrections – Mary Theresa Carlson
4 — Meritorious Unit Citations
Deputy Rob Martin, Deputy Tom Achterhoff, Deputy Josh Byers, Deputy Roark Thurston, Deputy Mark Booth, Deputy Scott Kruithoff, Sgt. Ben Haas, Sgt. Ross Mysliwiec, Det. Rob Flokstra,
Deputy Dillon Kibby, Deputy Levi Wolthuis, Deputy Scott Vereeke, Deputy Jason Kruithoff, Deputy Matt Langlois
Deputy Tyler Jackson, is the recipient of the Law Enforcement Deputy of the Year award. This award is particularly meaningful, as the selection was based on the voting of his peers. The criteria for the award is also regarding his actions throughout the year, not just one event. Deputy Tyler Jackson has a regular duty of road patrol and K-9 handling. It was noted that, Deputy Jackson was great in assistance of leadership of his shift. He contributed due diligence in: training, professionalism, dedication, and taking on difficult tasks. He was quick to volunteer help.
Deputy Mary Theresa Carlson, was the recipient of the Deputy Corrections of the Year Award. Selection for this award was also
made from her peers. She is responsible for the classification of inmates within the Corrections Center. She took on additional responsibilities and volunteered to work extra shifts. She has a positive attitude and very deserving of this award.
Deputy Dillon Kibby received the award from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the Sheriff’s Office for his efforts in arresting drunk drivers. He arrested 65 individuals for operating under
the influence this past year. Sheriff Baker added, “Our roads are safer and lives are saved when drunk drivers are taken off the streets before a tragedy occurs.”
Deputy Joe Bronson received a Sheriff’s Commendation Award.
Deputy Joe Bronson retired a couple weeks prior to the ceremony.
He was recognized for his work as a field training officer and his dedication to the firearms training program. Deputy Joe Bronson was also noted, by Sheriff Baker, for his exemplary work as a Community Policing Deputy for Gun Plains Township.
Sheriff Frank Baker expressed words of appreciation and thanks for the high level of commitment and undertaking for these awards. “It’s vital they know how important they are to the community and the Allegan County Sheriff’s Department and Corrections Center.”