LaFayette Sun News

Basketball camp stresses fundamentals, life

More To The Game 3 weekend basketball camp kicked off July 12-28th.

The camp started off great states founder Trevond Barnes. We’ve had 22 kids participate.
In the first 3 days we’ve harped on fundamentals and footwork while also having a really high energy day that was focused on defense.

Barnes is a former LaFayette High School basketball star player. In 2015, Barnes was part of the Bulldog team that helped lead LaFayette to the 2A state championship.
Barnes continued to play basketball at Hampton University and has been playing professionally overseas since 2020.
Barnes said, “We ended Sunday’s session with the question of What do you want to be when you grow up?’ However, the kids were able to choose anything except an athlete or entertainer.
“You’re always one step away from not being able to play the game anymore, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t win in the game of life,” states Barnes.

I try to mirror life with basketball with my teachings and with all the situations that popped up throughout the 9 days this may have been the most important one states Barnes. Whatever we want in life we have to work hard for It and persevere not knowing when the work will pay off.
Basketball is the same way. Sunday was another light numbers day but we took the campers through some more advanced drills and also taught them how to execute plays that are being drawn up on a whiteboard in a timeout Barnes states. That was the full process.

Weekend 1 we executed the fundamentals, Weekend 2 we did the same but added on to It while pushing hard defensively, Weekend 3 we pushed them to the brink and got to the point where we began to execute real basketball situations Barnes added All throughout each day I stressed my daily questions at the end of practice of what they want to be when they grow up. Because at the end of the day, the ball will stop bouncing.

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