What a way to start… but a better way to end the night!
The LaFayette Bulldogs kicked off their football season opener on Friday night at home. The first game on the Bulldog schedule was scheduled to be on the road, but had to get shifted around at the last minute and ended up at the Bulldog Stadium.
Delayed, But not Denied! was the kind of night it was at the Bulldog Stadium on Friday night.
The game was scheduled to kickoff at 7pm against the Ellwood Christian Academy but didn’t kick off until after 8pm.
The Eagles were late, stuck in traffic and while waiting on their arrival the Bulldog Stadium were blacked out on the visitors side. The stadium lights had a blown out mechanical barrier and had to be replaced.
The Eagles finally made their way to the stadium with the players and coaches. But, during this time, the Eagles equipment bus still had not arrived.
So, The LaFayette Bulldogs and Ellwood Christian Academy finally took the field to play some football at 830cst.
After a long night the Bulldogs dominated the Eagles 49-0