Clare County Review News

Clare to get safety island for school crossing

Proposed design for a temporary traffic island on McEwan at Wheaton intersection.

By Pat Maurer

A temporary safety island at the corner of Wheaton and McEwan will hopefully reduce concerns over many “close calls” at the intersection, especially on school days.
At the October 7th City Commission meeting the board approved a “letter of support” for the installation of a temporary island at the intersection.
Representatives from the Traffic Safety Committee, Clare Public Schools, the Michigan Department of Transportation, Clare Police Department and City Staff met September 17 to discuss the concerns over the school crossing at the intersection.
The agenda report from City Manager Jeremy Howard on the matter said, “Even with the addition of increased patrols and stops, enhanced lighting, added safety equipment and signage, there continues to be a significant number of close calls between vehicles and pedestrians due to the high traffic volume and heightened activity in that area during the school year and school day.”
Clare Superintendent Matt Forsberg wrote, “For many years, the Clare Public School district has been gravely concerned about the pedestrian crosswalk at the corner of Wheaton and McEwan. Each day we have dozens of students who cross at the walkway going to and from school…this crosswalk regularly has cars that do not stop for students. It is truly only a matter of time until a crossing guard or student is seriously hurt or killed at this intersection.”
Clare Police Chief David Saad wrote, “Thank you for your consideration of this important safety initiative.” He added “The traffic safety concerns at this intersection have been persistent, despite the city’s efforts to address them through various methods.”
City Manager Howard wrote, “Due to heavy traffic during early mornings and later afternoons, the volume of traffic during school drop off and pick-up times often leads to hazardous situations, putting students at risk.”
MDOT Representative Jack Hofweber proposed “the installation of a temporary center island on McEwan Street at the intersection … and requested a resolution, letter of support from the City and Clare public School to install the temporary island,” which would be placed [in the center lane of McEwan] by MDOT.”
The group would meet again in one year, Hofweber added, and determine if the installation helped and “if it warrants putting in a permanent island when funds would allow.”
In another matter the Commission approved an amendment to the Cherry Grove Cemetery & Regulations for personal mausoleums.
Jeremy Howard reported that the City has had inquiries into placing personal mausoleums in the cemetery to allow the full sealed above ground burial of caskets and cremains. The amendment includes specific regulations about the sale of mausoleums, where they can be placed, and the number of sites needed. The mausoleum company would install the foundation and handle the open/close of the mausoleum. The Commission approved the amendment.
During his report to the board, City Manager Howard reported on the recent DDA meeting, progress on the Lake Shamrock Dredging and Dam Project and the completion and ribbon cutting October 23 for the Rail-Trail.
In other business at the Commission meeting:
*Approved the $11,951. purchase of a drum screen from sole vendor Solberg, Knowles & Associates for the Wastewater Plant that had developed an unrepairable hole and had to be replaced.
*The approval of a charitable gaming license for the Clare Wrestling Club for fund raising events.
*Approval of a vote for both incumbents for re-election to the Michigan Municipal League Property and Liability Pool Board of Directors.
*Denies the request of Commissioner Kim Bussell to be excused from the October 7 meeting due to an employment issue. The bylaws allow excusal for hardship or illness only.
*Appointed Lori Fassett to the Downtown Development Authority replacing Tom Koch who has resigned from the board. Tom will be honored at an upcoming meeting.
*Reappointed Amy Stark to the Zoning Board of Appeals for three years.
*Approved the payment of bills totaling $385,445.61.

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