By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer
PAW PAW – Van Buren County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, Feb. 25, authorized the county treasurer to borrow up to $7.5 million for the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund to ensure timely reimbursement to taxing authorities.
The county treasurer is responsible for reimbursing all taxing authorities for delinquent re-al property taxes as of March 1, 2025, through the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF). The current balance of the DTRF is insufficient to cover anticipated delinquent taxes owed to taxing authorities, requiring additional funding. To ensure adequate cash flow, the county must issue General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, Series 2025, and borrow up to $7.5 million. The total collection of 2024 delinquent real property taxes will be pledged to repay the note, with outstanding Delinquent Tax Anticipation Notes (DTANs) from previous years maturing in 2025 and 2026.
Commissioners approved several county events that will take place this year.
The 2025 Wine & Harvest Festival, an annual event attracting over 60,000 attendees, re-quires the use of county-owned properties for various activities, including the arts and crafts show, Sept. 5-7, the Grape Lake 5K Run/Walk, Sept. 6, and the Paw Paw Vineyard Classic Bike Tour, Sept. 7. The Lakeshore Harvest Ride, a community fundraising bike event, requests the use of the South Haven Courthouse parking lot for overflow parking on Sept. 13.
All event organizers confirmed they will provide a certificate of insurance if requested.
Commissioners approved the emergency floor replacement at the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control facility, following a recent state inspection that mandated the replacement of the kennel floors at the animal control facility to ensure compliance and continued operation. The necessary emergency floor replacement is estimated to cost $36,080. Funding for this project will be allocated from the Capital Improvements Fund.
Commissioners approved the purchase of a used 2022 Ford Explorer for $33,995 from Betten Ford, Grand Rapids, for the Office of Domestic Preparedness/Emergency Management, as outlined in the Holtec contract. Funding for this purchase is available through the Holtec contract, ensuring no financial impact on the county’s general fund.
The Van Buren County Office of Domestic Preparedness/Emergency Management re-quires a vehicle to support operations related to the Palisades restart process. The county has an existing contract with Holtec, which includes funding for the purchase of a vehicle and additional temporary staffing to assist with emergency preparedness efforts.
Commissioners approved the purchase of a used 2022 Ford Explorer for $33,995 from Betten Ford, Grand Rapids. Funding for this purchase is available through the Holtec contract, ensur-ing no financial impact on the county’s general fund.
Commissioners approved the selection of Combined Public Communications (CPC) as the new Van Buren County Jail inmate phone service provider.
Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office currently contracts with Securus for inmate phone services and received proposals from both Securus and Combined Public Communications (CPC) for continued service. Effective Sept. 2025, Securus will eliminate all commissions and charge the county $1,944 annually for phone services, while CPC will maintain commissions. Securus proposed phone rates of 21 to 9 cents per minute with no commissions, video visitation rates of 40 to 14 cents per minute with no commissions, and tablet-related commissions remaining at 20 percent, while also upgrading tablet inventory and charging units at no cost; and.
CPC proposed a prepaid calling rate of 20 cents per minute with an 85 percent commis-sion, remote video visitation at 20 cents per minute with a 20 percent commission, and emails at 50 cents per email with a 20 percent commission.
Commissioners approved the adoption of PTO policy (VBC.05.0002) and the elimination of policy (VBC.05.0003).
The Michigan Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) went into effect on Feb. 21, requiring policy updates to ensure compliance. Van Buren County’s current PTO structure meets ESTA’s accrual requirements, but updates are needed for proper tracking and administration. These changes apply only to nonunion employees, as union employees remain subject to collective bargaining agreements.
Commissioners said in adopting the updated PTO policy (VBC.05.0002) and eliminating policy (VBC.05.0003), it ensures compliance with ESTA and maintains clarity in administration.
Commissioners approved an updated Building Closures Policy to ensure consistency, fairness, and transparency in handling closures and delays.
The county’s Building Closures Policy provides compensation to employees when county offices close due to severe weather or emergencies. Concerns have arisen regarding employees voluntarily working outside scheduled hours during closures and expecting additional compensation, contrary to the policy’s intent. The updated policy clarifies that employees who voluntarily work during closures or delays will not receive additional compensation beyond their scheduled hours while ensuring that 24/7 departments, such as the Sheriff’s Office, remain exempt. The policy designates administration, including the county administrator, finance director, and HR director, as responsible for policy interpretation and review.