By Pamela Whitlow
The 23rd Annual Day of Prayer for Chambers County was hosted last Friday night on the square in downtown LaFayette.
The year theme was “Working Together In Unity
The first prayer service for Chambers County was hosted on September 6, 2001 by Diane Perry and on September 11, 2001 the entire nation was changed because of the attack on America.
The Day of Prayer service is not about any denomination, but it is about coming together and praying for Chambers County and our Nation. We must continue to pray for God’s mercy and protection for Chambers County and our Nation states founder Diane Perry.
Besides prayer free food and book bags with school supplies were given out to each student that came out to the prayer service.
The LaFayette mayor Kenneth Vines, opened the cermony.
He was joined by former Police Chief George Rampey, pastor and preachers throughout the community including Kelsey Barnes, Terrence Holloway, Reginal Dunn, Veronica and Gerald Roesly.