Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Deer tries to crash through county medical care facility window

By John Raffel

ALLEGAN — Former Allegan County commission chairman James Story reported last month Allegan County Medical Care Facility Director Kim Turcott was walking to her car at the end of the day when a deer rushed by her, leaped at a window of a patient room, knocking but not breaking the window, entered the room, and then promptly jumped back out.
“Before the deer exited, Ms. Turcott alerted her staff to close the door to the unoccupied room so the animal
wouldn’t run the corridors of the expansive facility,” Storey said. “However, it proved unnecessary as the deer left on its own accord without further incident.
“Fortunately, that particular room was unoccupied,” Turcott said. “If it had been the one next door, it could have injured a resident.”
The window was repositioned back into place. A herd of 20 deer inhabit parts of the county’s Dumont Lake campus where the medical care facility is located.

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