Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon News

Downtown Lawton Road construction completion date delayed

The downtown Lawton road construction project, which was scheduled to be completed on Friday, Aug. 23, has been extended to Friday, Sept. 20, due to Amtrak work and weather delays, according to Lawton Village Council President Josh Appleby.
Courier-Leader photos/Paul Garrod

By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer

LAWTON – The downtown Lawton road construction project, which was scheduled to be completed on Friday, Aug. 23, has been extended to Friday, Sept. 20, due to Amtrak work and weather delays, according to Lawton Village Council President Josh Appleby. He released a statement on Monday, Aug. 26, about the project, saying, “The village of Lawton is very excited to see the result of Lawton’s Downtown Redevelopment.  This project has been in the works for more than 15 years and was planned with input from residents and businesses alike.  Access to all our amazing businesses has been maintained for the entire duration and has been a priority for the village.  Bear in mind our businesses, like our residents, are the defining attributes of this incredible community.  The long-term goal is to make our community vibrant and attractive to residents, businesses, and visitors alike.  Our infrastructure has been upgraded in a once in a 100-year project.  We will be breaking ground on our new town square this fall, as well as upgrades to our parks.  While it is unfortunate that our completion date is extended due to Amtrack work and weather delays, the end results will be worth it.  Please come see us and be sure to stop into our locally owned businesses and show support for your friends and neighbors. The Village of Lawton Facebook page will be updated as information becomes available.”
Lawton business owner Patricia Magers, who owns Longship Brewing Company, along with her husband, Joe, posted recently on social media, the plight that the couple as well as other Lawton businesses are facing due to the road construction, which has now been delayed. She said, “Good morning! In light of the construction delay, which Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is projecting Sept 20, I would like to speak on behalf of Longship Brewing Company, as most of you probably know, I am Mrs. owner. It has been a tough road for us to say the least, and we are doing our very best to stay positive.
“Joe and I have such big hopes and dreams, not only for our business, but just as importantly, what we hope to bring to the community, which is a breath of fresh air, good food, fun events, and even organizing charitable services. We are so excited to be a part of this community, that has so much hometown pride, and rightfully so! When we moved here in 2015 from farmland north of Battle Creek area, I remember telling Joe I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Everywhere I look is so beautiful. I told my mom I found the place where I was going to grow old. In 2023, we were elated to purchase the brewery, and officially become a part of our community! We had almost no money, a whole lot of dreams, and a whole lot of prayers. Almost everything we were able to do to the building was a group effort of charitable friends and family, and even complete strangers in this amazing community, who have now become fast friends. Our staff is comprised of the very best the community has to offer. Each one of them works so hard, it humbles me. They are always there when you need them, there for each other, always positive, and literally brought our vision to life. Not only did they do that, but they did an even better job than we had imagined.
“Most of you may not be aware of this, but everything we do at Longship is so personal to us. Each food item is tied to a personal experience or memory that we have had together throughout our marriage, and before. Actually, Joe and I grew up playing together, so our memories together are long! 
“We wanted a chocolate cake that felt like you went to grandma’s house and got served up a big slab of love, and our soup to warm your belly. We wanted a small menu of food that was completely out of this world and made from scratch, leaving everyone feeling better when they left than when they came in.
“When Joe first started making beer, he was on fire. Believe it or not, he has approximately 60 beers to release! I named him “The Mozart of Beers”, because he just couldn’t stop! More importantly, they all made me drool just by the description. Even the most loyal Bud Light drinker will find something they love in Joe’s beer. And anyone who is willing to go on a beer adventure with Joe will not be disappointed!
“Each one of Joe’s beers and ciders all have their own fascinating story, which is illustrated in artwork, by his childhood best friend. If you are lucky enough to meet Joe, he will be more than happy to tell you, his stories. He is a bit more shy than I am, but he will absolutely talk to you one on one, and absolutely loves it. It always puts him in a good mood to get to know his guests. 
“I wanted to reach out and introduce ourselves a little more properly and give you a chance to know more of what we are all about. We are truly at the make it or break it point in our new business venture and have been feverishly counting down the days until the construction ends, to find out it has been delayed, possibly by a month according to MDOT. This construction has had a devastating effect on our business, and needless to say on Decoy Ducks as well, which has been a staple in our community for a very long time. There is no planning that would get us through a town shutdown.
“In any case, I felt it only fair to let our community know where things stand, that we are very much needing a good fall season and give anyone and everyone who believes in what we are doing the opportunity to support us in any way you can! Our promise to you in return is to do whatever we can to bring life and support to our community, hopefully for years to come.
“God bless you all, God bless our fellow business owners, who are struggling as we are. Let my words speak for all of them as well as all the surrounding areas. God bless our staff. God bless Lawton! And God bless each one of our guests from the bottom of our hearts and hope to see you for dinner.” 

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