Clare County Review News

Farwell BOE selects Pakledinaz to fill Buccilli seat

By Pat Maurer

John Pakledinaz was the Farwell Board of Education’s top choice to fill the remainder of Shari Buccilli’s seat on the board. Buccilli was honored for her many years of service to the BOE, com-munity and children of the district at an earlier meeting.
The choice for Pakledinaz was made at a special meeting, one of two held Monday evening.
The BOE interviewed four candidates for the partial term which ends in December, 2026.
Four people interested in filling the position met the deadline in applying for the seat and there were two others who applied, but missed the deadline. The four who were successful were John Pakledinaz, Hanna-Mae Robbins, Justin Williams and Krista Tacey-Cater.
Each person was asked four questions. Their responses were graded by board members with points – two for a top choice and 1 for second choice.
Pakledinaz was the clear winner with 9 points and Justin Williams was second with 5 points.
Under ‘Communications’ on the meeting agenda, Pakledinaz said, “Thank you for selecting me and I look forward to working with you guys.”
Board member John Gross thanked everyone for their interest in being a member of the Board and encouraged them to run in the next election.
The only other item of business at the special meeting to select a new board member, was a dis-cussion of the upcoming Superintendent’s Self Evaluation.
Superintendent Steve Scoville discussed the process for evaluation with the board and explained the criteria that he would be judged on. He aske the board to give all comments to either Board Re-corder Cassandra Coronado or himself so that they could update the spreadsheet that can be “chal-lenging to use if you’re unfamiliar with Excel.”
The official Superintendent evaluation will happen in closed session on Monday, December 19 at the regular monthly meeting.
The other special meeting, held earlier Monday evening, was a presentation of the Audit by Bill Hirschman, CPA of Roslund, Prestage & Company. He reported that the district’s audit was in “good shape.”
Board members voted 5-0 unanimously to approve the 2023-2024 final audit.

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