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Focus of cemetery walking tour is notable educators in Sturgis

By Dennis Volkert

The fourth Oak Lawn Cemetery walking tour takes place Sept. 7-8.
Tours depart every half hour, 4-5:30 p.m. Sept. 7 and 2-3:30 p.m. Sept. 8.
Cost is $15 per person. Tickets are available at Walk-in entry is accepted, cash only. If a tour group is full, there likely is room in the next.
In the case of inclement weather, the event will move to Eastwood Elementary School, with the same schedule.
The theme of this year’s tour, “They Guided Sturgis Youth,” complements Mike Mort’s upcoming documentary, “A+: The Story of Education in Sturgis.” That film premieres at 3 p.m. Nov. 10 at Sturges-Young Center for the Arts.
The Oak Lawn tour is presented by Sturgis Historical Society and Sturgis Civic Players, and sponsored by Sturgis Bank & Trust.
Here are synopses of historic figures featured on the tour, with a summary of contributions to the community. Most performers are members of Sturgis Civic Players. Scripts are written by Rosalie Currier, unless otherwise noted.
G. Orley Kribs (1891- 1977)
Portrayed by Colin Eastman
Often associated with Camp Fort Hill, Kribs also was involved with the musical community and led an accordion band.
Phineas Wheat (1897-1950)
Portrayed by Ryan Davis
Wheat was mentored by University of Michigan legends. Joseph Maddy founded Interlochen, a first-of-its kind institution dedicated to young artists. William Revelli revolutionized marching bands.
Robert Snow (1901-1991)
Portrayed by Steve Runyon
Long after Snow retired from teaching, he continued to serve as a substitute and worked in the classroom until shortly before his death.
Frances O. Clark (1905-1998)
Portrayed by Betty Metzger
Clark, a 1923 SHS graduate, taught piano lessons in Sturgis, then later develop a piano-teaching style called “Learning Tree.”
Margaret Olmstead (1905-1992)
Portrayed by Barb Neff
Olmstead is best-known as longtime owner of Laura Lewis Hat Shop. She also did anything she could to encourage and support children.
Paul and Jean Casault (1926-1988)/(1927- 2005)
Portrayed by Doug Camburn and Kristi Smith
The Casaults are immortalized for selfless dedication to the youth center, but that’s only a fraction of what they gave to Sturgis.
Pricilla Hoopingarner (1931-2022)
Portrayed by Ileona Geroux
Hoopingarner, an elementary school teacher, was known to create individualized curricula to capture interest of students.
Madeleine Murphy Parker (1935-2021)
Portrayed by Mary Sutter; written by Lynn Jones
“Miss Madeleine” went to any length necessary to ensure her students performed at their highest potential.
Budd Munson (1936-2022)
Portrayed by Paul Rooyakkers
For 27 years, Munson coached the Sturgis High School girls’ tennis team, compiling a record of 311-15.
Themes and focus of previous historical cemetery tours:
2021: “Notable Firsts in Sturgis”: Helen Walton Bishop, Titanic shipwreck survivor; additional first including mayor, city librarian, settlers, entrepreneurs, hospital, Black lawyer, solo flight from Kirsch airport and first recipient of “Book of Golden Deeds.”
2022: “Outliers in Sturgis History”: Gay couple/business owners; first Black lawyer; Civil War casualty; and teacher.
2023: “Legacy Tour”: Leaders in the community who left a physical legacy: Sturges-Young (three), Camp Fort Hill/airport, pool and tennis courts, hospital, Sturgis Journal, businesses.

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