Dakota “Kota” Poling of Allegan is, in most ways, your average 19-year-old. He’s goofy, quick-witted, and majorly sarcastic. He will have even the grumpiest of people laughing within minutes. He’s also kind and loving (as long as you aren’t one of his older sisters). Kota first climbed on a dirt bike at five years old and rode to the end of the driveway where he wiped out and got right back up and back on. Ever since, dirt biking has been his passion. His early mornings are spent on Puschel’s Dairy Farm milking and conversing amongst the cows. In the words of his mom, “He loves his cows!” He also might not admit it, but he likes to name and feed the barn cats too.
On Sundays during football season, you’ll find him sporting green and gold and cheering on the Green Bay Packers – especially if they’re playing the Lions! And lastly, if you dare walk past his bedroom late into the night, you’ll get the chance to hear him yelling at someone on the other end of his computer screen while he plays whatever game he’s into at the moment..
What you might not notice upon first glance, though, is that Kota isn’t your average 19-year-old. He’s struggled with health issues since he was 10 years old. He’s been hospitalized multiple times over the years collecting diagnoses along the way. Since his initial ICU stay in 2018, he’s been diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome (a kidney disease), Budd-Chiari Syndrome (a liver disease), and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (an autoimmune disease).
On October 11, 2024, Kota suffered an acute ischemic stroke as a result of the APS (Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome) which required two different surgeries to first remove the clot and then remove a part of his skull to release pressure and swelling in the brain. Kota has come a long way from that first week in the ICU, but he still has an extensive recovery ahead of him including lots of physical and occupational therapy. His mom, Melissa, has not left the hospital since he was admitted on the 11th. Due to this, expenses have begun to add up. In an attempt to relieve some of the financial pressure, Kota’s extended family has come together.
On November 24, they are holding Pulling for Polings – A Sunday Funday Fundraiser. It’s not only a fundraiser, but a celebration to come together and show support for Kota and his family through this difficult time. A Euchre Tournament will be held with a $50 buy in to play. Don’t play euchre? No problem! There will also be brunch, a bloody-mary bar, baked goods sale, and silent auction and raffle! Don’t like blood marys? Feel free to BYOB. Doors open at 10:00 a.m. and the tournament starts at 11:00 a.m. T
The venue is The Gerald R Ford Fraternal Order of Police #97 located at 1753 Alpine Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. W