Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Gregory named new principal at Gilkey

By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor

During his first nine years at Plainwell Community Schools, Cody Gregory has served as a third-grade teacher and a behavior support specialist.
Now, he’s adding a third job title to that list: principal.
Gregory was recently named the new principal at Gilkey Elementary School. He takes over the role following a three-year tenure by Rebecca Bilodeau.
“After getting my master’s degree a few years ago, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to move into administration,” Gregory said. “Gilkey, in my opinion, was the opportunity I’ve been waiting on.
“I knew this place was different and I wanted the opportunity to lead this amazing staff. I’m extremely excited to have this opportunity.”
Although education wasn’t Gregory’s first career choice, he was used to working with children as a football and wrestling coach.
“I always loved being around kids, so once I got laid off from the job I had at the time, I decided I needed to go back to school,” he said. “So, I enrolled at Western Michigan University the following week. When I did my first internship in college, I knew (education) was the career path for me.”
A 1995 Otsego High School graduate and lifelong resident of the area, Gregory was quite familiar with PCS. He did his final internship at Starr Elementary in the district and was hired that summer to replace his mentor teacher.
After teaching third grade for six years, he shifted gears to that of Starr’s behavior support specialist, a job he held for the past three years. It was during that time that he earned his master’s degree in education leadership: K-12 school principal focus from WMU.
“I believe my experiences as a coach, third-grade teacher and behavioral specialist give me a well-rounded view of leadership,” Gregory said.
Gregory also believes the mentors he’s had have helped prepare him for his new opportunity as a principal.
“I’ve been around a lot of great people during my educational journey, with the first person on that list being Steve Potter,” Gregory said. “Steve was my mentor during my internship, and he taught me a lot about classroom management. I still use his approaches to this day, and they give me a base foundation to handle behavior. 
“The next person that has impacted me during my journey is Kari Luckett, the current Starr Elementary principal. Her mentorship has been very impactful to me. I’ve taken many things from her leadership approach and I plan on using them here at Gilkey. 
“I would not be in this position today without the help and guidance of these two people.”
Gregory knows he also wouldn’t be where he is without the love and support of his wife Danna and their children: daughter Isabelle, a junior at the University of Alabama; son Gavin, who works for Grand Elk Railroad Company; and daughter Addison, who will be a junior at Otsego High School this year.
“My family deserves a shout out for always supporting me and pushing me to be the best version of myself,” he said. “It’s been a journey to get here, and I would not be here without their support.”
Speaking of support, one of Gregory’s primary objectives as principal at Gilkey is ensuring that all students receive the support they need.
“I want this building to be a place where all students can achieve their goals through hard work and perseverance,” he said. “We will encourage and teach curiosity, problem-solving and a life-long love of learning and service to community and others.
“We will foster a growth mindset and grit, so all students will learn to face challenges with confidence and perseverance. And most of all, every child will be valued and cared for at Gilkey Elementary School.”
The key to achieving that goal, according to Gregory, is building strong relationships with the students.
“I would describe myself as a relationship-driven leader,” he said. “I try to make that one of the most important things I do. 
“I also pull from my coaching days and use the model of team instead of I. That being said, I would not ask my staff to do something that I am not willing to do myself.”
While he is excited to work with the students at Gilkey, Gregory is equally excited to work with the school’s staff members.
“Gilkey Elementary is special because of the amazing staff that is in place here,” he said. “When you talk about a family, this building is truly willing to do anything to support one another. Everyone that I have been in contact with is all about the kids and wants to do what’s best for them.
“I am blessed to have this opportunity.”

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