Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon Sports

Lawton pole vaulter now focuses on volleyball

By John Raffel

LAWTON – Alyssa McNally is a senior volleyball player at Lawton who has had a productive summer
In the Division 3 state finals, McNally was 28th in pole vault at 7-feet-9 inches.
Right now, McNally has been going to workouts and scrimmages to prepare for the upcoming volleyball season. This week Lawton had workouts and scrimmages. Next week is a down period. Practices start on Aug. 12
McNally is a right side hitter. It will be her second varsity season.
“Last year went really well,” she recalled. “We beat Paw Paw. That was pretty exciting.”
As a hitter, “I place the ball well,” McBally said, adding during the summer she’s been working on her timing. She also serves and passes.
The key is being consistent.
Team prospects this fall “are looking rather well,” McNally said. “We’ve been coming together in scrimmages. We have new girls coming in who are looking well.”
Qualifying for state in the pole vault for track was a major highlight for McNally. Her personal high was nine feet. It’s her best sport.
But in volleyball, ‘I like the coaches and the environment,” McNally said.
Volleyball practices start on Aug. 12.

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