Courier-Leader, Paw Paw Flashes, & South Haven Beacon Sports

Lawton running back eager for college career

By John Raffel

LAWTON –Kal Motter was a talented three-sport athlete in track, basketball and football at Lawton.
Football was his best sport and Motter will be going to Hope College as a running back.
His strengths as a running back, Motter said, “was my vision off the field. I see open lanes pretty quickly and have the ability to cut into open lanes and break free. I’ve been working out for a long time and it’s pretty hard to get around my legs.”
Motter, after two games, led the stat in yards and touchdowns. But in week three, he broke his collarbone and missed the rest of the season. It’s probably the most upset I’ve ever been. We were supposed to go all the way that year but struggled with injuries. It hurt to have to watch all those friends go out there and play without me.”
Toward the end of basketball season, Motter was able to start competing.
Motter’s 4×200 relay team competed at the state track meet.
As he goes to Hope “the key will be working harder,” Motter said. “I have to make sure I’m putting hours in off the practice field. It will be a grind (to get playing time) I’m hoping to get out there a few times.
Motter said he also had a chance to go to Davenport for football but decided Hope would be his best choice.

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