Back in the 1960s and 1970s, while the Viet Nam war was raging, many young people sought out different lifestyles. Some people had had enough of the way the society was becoming materialistic, saw the futility of following the current cultural values, and sought a different way of living that was more meaningful, yielded greater satisfaction, and held the hope and promise of better living.
This was the era of dropouts, hippies, and others who rejected the materialistic values of their parents, to grow long hair, go shoeless and sockless, marriage less, jobless, greased with a great deal of legal and illegal drugs. “Make love, not war.” Was a common slogan. While their parent’s goal was to make a living, provide food, shelter, and clothing, and raising good kids, climbing the latter of success, this new generation was into emotional and spiritual fulfillment, or what appeared to be a total rejection of these current values and principles. There was great confusion.
Today, there once again appears to be great confusion about the good way to live. In this current age of relativity, a smorgasbord of values, lifestyles, political opinions, moral actions, one thing never changes. Most people, I believe, just want a lifestyle that will bring them satisfaction.
It reminds me of St. Francis, who was born into a wealthy family, rejected it to live a life of poverty. St. Ignatius Loyola did a similar thing. Both rejected the lifestyle of their wealthy parents to live an alternative way of life.
Also, today, we are at a turning point in our personal and public life. Which style of life will ultimately bring more world and personal satisfaction? Francis and Ignatius were called to live a life of poverty, prayer and community. It was not an easy life, but it brought great satisfaction.
These two saints chose an alternative way of living called the “Way”. It was a life rejecting their current cultural values of prestige, wealth, and popularity. They rejected a comfortable life. It was an alternative life of suffering, but with meaning. That way of life was following Jesus and his teaching. Truth be that most of us chose to live the life offered by our current culture. The Christian culture is the only one not started by people, but revealed by God, and is the only one that will endure, bringing great satisfaction and ultimate union with God.
Don’t take my word for it. Read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read for yourself what Jesus said and did, and how he lived. There is way too much editorializing and gossiping about Jesus. To get to the heart of this Christian alternative lifestyle you must go to the source, the Bible. Also, what does the Church really teach? The answers are in the Catechism. Let the Bible and Catechism speak for themselves. Want to know the truth? The only method is to read and find out for yourself.
Whether you accept or reject the Christian lifestyle, you must decide on their merits. Go to the sources. At least you will know what you are accepting or rejecting.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”