There is a story about St. Francis of Assisi that after his conversion God asked him to build his church. Of course, he said yes, and he gathered stones and began to build the walls. It was hard work! Then God spoke to him again, something like, “Not the physical stone and mortar, but build my church, the people. Bring my love to my people. Build my Church!” He then understood that the Church God wanted him to build and rebuild was not the church building, but the faith of the people.
Our Lady of Hope has done great work in renovating the church building, but what about the community of believers we call the Church? How? It begins with one person-me! We are all called by Baptism to be “living stones”, held together by love, faith, and shared intimacy with Jesus. This is our true vocation.
I ask myself, how have I been doing as a Catholic Christian? Have I been taking time each day to pray? How have I been shaping my behavior and thought to live God’s will and not my own? Am I living according to the teaching of the Bible and my Church? Have I been celebrating the Sacraments, especially Penance and Eucharist? Have I been reading the Bible and other Christian literature?
Our Lady of Hope offers and invites everyone to be “renovated” through prayer, study, and gathering together in many ways. The Sacraments are always available. Some gather for Bible study, there are many faith formation programs, and various men’s and women’s gatherings.
Beginning in January all adults and teens are invited to “renovate” themselves as “living stones” through the Rescue Project. Through prayer, video teaching, sharing a meal, and small group discussion we will have the opportunity to create a space within for Jesus. We will build on what we already have by making our hearts and souls a more-beautiful space for Jesus.
The Resue project focuses on the themes of Creation, Captivity, Rescue, and Response. God created the universe out of love and our place in it is not mere myth. Sin, Satan and Death are realities that we do battle with every day. We are rescued from them by the life, passion and death and resurrection of Jesus. We are called by Jesus to share this good news with others.
I think it is time for all of us, the “living stones” to be “renovated”, molded and shaped into the saints. Most of us will respond by saying that there is no way I can become a saint. It’s impossible! I am reminded of another man who said as much when Jesus said that it is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than to get a rich man into heaven. Jesus said that on our own we can’t, but for God all things are possible!
With Project Rescue, we can “renovate” our faith and together become the Church, built of “living stones”. We can be the Bride of Christ, making a truly suitable place for our Groom. Come Lord Jesus!
“May the Lord Bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”