Clare County Review Columns


“Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.” One doesn’t have to look far to
recognize that some of American culture no longer practices keeping Sunday as a day for God, family, and rest. In the past things were different. Many remember that few if any stores were open on Sundays. Even grocery stores, drug stores, and gas stations were closed. Factories were closed or ran on skeleton crews. The typical Sunday began with people dressing up to go to mass and other church services. That was followed by a special family sit-down brunch prepared by everyone in the family as Dad read the newspaper or played with the kids. Next often came a trip to Grandma’s to play softball, kick the can, or go fishing. Sometimes we played cards or “I Spy”. After a pot-luck dinner we returned home, tired but happy. We often watched football or baseball and sometimes a movie on TV. Cards, Monopoly, Checkers, Chess were played and sometimes a jig-saw puzzle.
Of course, we did the necessary chores of caring for the animals, but not much else was done that could be done on another day. Sundays were a day for worshiping God, having fun, and time with family. We are never going back to those days. Yet, I think there are some things we can continue to do to may the day holy. First, I would suggest not doing any work that can be done on another day. Instead, focus on having fun and being present to family members and friends-truly being present to them. Not only quality time, but lots and lots of time. Spend time with the kids and spouse. Be intentional, set aside time, nothing else matters! Begin the day by going to church. Then spend so much time with family that you are exhausted. It is good to put less important things aside for another day.
Plan to spend at least one day of the week, giving each person some personal time.
Rest! The Bible tells us that God created the world in six days and that on the seventh day he rested. He ended the sixth day by saying that what he had created was good, and even very good. A nap is no more appreciated and restful than when you reflect on a week well spent, knowing that you did good work and that all is well with the family.
I am not exactly sure how to keep the Lord’s Day holy. Maybe we can start by just letting Sunday be the Lord’s. Ask him what is appropriate. Mass, rest, celebrate, have fun, and spend time being present to loved ones. I’ve decided to make phone calls to loved ones. How important is the Lord’s Day? We have a commandment, just as mandatory as the other nine. Think about it.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”

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