Like me, I’m sure you have noticed some very unusual natural events that can only be called disasters. To my recollection, over 40,000 acres have burned in southern California and thousands of homes have been destroyed. My sister reports that she had two to three inches of snow in Houston, with below freezing temperatures. For the first time in a long time, local schools were closed, not due to ice and snow, but to below zero temperatures and low wind-chill temperatures. Now, with rain coming, many Californians are afraid of mud slides. With these and other natural disasters, one wonders if it will ever end.
What should we make of it? I’ve heard some tell me that these disasters are predicting in the Bible as a sure sign of the end times. “Jesus is soon coming!” They quote the Bible mentioning earthquakes, wars, fires and flood. Some are really scared.
These may be the last days, or not. Natural disasters have always been happening. These events don’t seem to be anything new. However, it is easy for us to get distracted by natural disasters. While focusing on these events we don’t focus on other issues. What about joblessness, homelessness, hunger, poverty, and sickness, including mental illness? What about anxiety, depression, and loneliness? What about focusing on our own sinfulness and need for healing and forgiveness?
In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey says that we ought to focus on things we can do something about. Usually these are issues that are near to us. How about doing something locally? Volunteer, join a Bible study, or a local charitable group like the Lions Club, Knights of Columbus or the Kiwanis Club? What about becoming a Big Brother or Sister? What about donating to the local fire department or veteran’s organization? Give blood.
A major concern of mine is that I’ve heard from reputable sources that ICE is not only rounding up violent illegal immigrants, but everyone that is undocumented. Many people who have created lives for over twenty years in this country are being deported. What is to happen to their families? Even Ronald Reagan made it possible for many who came to this country illegally to get citizenship. I’m worried. Please pray, and call our elected officials to do all they can to prevent this immoral deportation. It is one thing to deport someone with a record of violence and quite another to deport those who have established a better life and have become integral members of our community and families.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”