Clare County Review Columns

May I Walk with You? Feeding the Hungry

Wow! It is that time of year again when the Rosebush Ecumenical Assistance Program (REAP) Food Pantry teams up with Meijer of Mt. Pleasant for the Simply Give Fundraiser. Donating could not be simpler. Just pick up a barcoded card either at St. Cecilia Church or at the check out at Meijer (Mt. Pleasant only) and tell the cashier how much you wish to donate. The cashier scans the barcode and you’re done! The amount donated is marked on your receipt.
Now, for the really cool part. Meijer doubles that amount and puts it in a separate account for REAP. Your $10.00 becomes $20.00. $50.00 becomes $100.00. All they ask is that you donate in increments of $10.00. At the end of the fundraising period, Meijer will award gift cards to REAP, which can be used at the Meijer Warehouse to buy food.
Here is the best part! On June 15, only, Meijer will triple the amount you donate. Your $10.00 donation becomes a $30.00 donation and your $50.00 donation becomes150.00. There is no easier and better way to help feed the hungry than by making a donation at Meijer, in Mr. Pleasant, from now until July 1st.
Also, St, Henry Church will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary this fall. A planning committee has been established and planning has begun. When things are finalized, I give you more information. We hope that it will be a time for fun, sharing memories, and who knows, maybe gathering ideas to do more at this site of Our Lady of Hope Parish. I really miss St. Henry.
Please, do not miss this opportunity to do God’s work of feeding others. How many times to we get an opportunity to do something this easy, positive, practical and necessary? A great big thankyou to Meijer of Mt. Pleasant!
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”

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