Clare County Review Columns


What happens when you go to communion? Almost all mass-goers receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, each time they go to mass. Wow!
Often, I have witnessed Evangelical Christians, at the end of their services, walk forward to the front of church to participate in an “altar call”. One of the most memorable experiences I had was when I attended a Promise Keepers rally at the Superdome. Towards the end of the singing and preaching we were invited to come forward to the front, to once again, give our lives to God. I renewed my promise to do my best to serve God, give my life to him, and be the best husband and father for my family. Very moving! While standing in line with thousands of men, going forward to give their lives to God, I bumped into a friend from high school. We were both surprised and delighted.
Later, I began to think of going to Communion as a kind of altar call. We all know that we go to the altar to receive Jesus, Yet Communion is not just about receiving, but responding and giving. While receiving Jesus, we also give ourselves to him, or do we? Each time we receive the Eucharist is an opportunity to recommit ourselves to God, in response to his gifts to us. Could we not say a prayer each time we go to Communion?
“Jesus, as you give yourself to me, I give myself to you. I accept you as my Lord and Savior and I offer myself to you. Give me the grace of forgiveness, healing, and to following you, all of my life. Amen”
Words cannot adequately express what happens when we receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus any more than words can express the wonder of married love, when two people consummate the love they have for each other.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”

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