Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

May I Walk with You? Reading the Bible

Many people tell me that they would like to read the Bible, but somehow, they just don’t get much out it. It is like reading about things that happened a long time ago and that it doesn’t really pertain to them and today’s world. For some it is just literature, that they apply the notions of metaphor, simile, along with poetic license, historical fiction and prose. It is tough to read, trying to get the message the writer intended. For some it is simply a compilation of Jewish and Christian fairy tales.
Also, since we all are different, with different cultures, education, and lived experiences, don’t each of us interpret the Bible in our own way? Hence the need for Biblical scholars who can give us the “official” interpretation. At the same time as we enjoy the learnings of Biblical scholars, we sometimes receive inspiration that is meant just for us. What is God trying to tell me in these readings?
Let me give you some helps that may make reading the Bible less overwhelming and less frustrating, and a little more enlightening. Think of the Bible as God’s love letters to us. Sometimes, like love letters, you read them over and over to get the meanings. God reveals himself in the Bible and that is very personal. Is there a personal message for me? It is sometimes helpful to have a Bible commentary handy. How do other people think of a particular writing? Practice a little reading each day. It is just too frustrating to try to absorb a lot at a time. Share with others your thoughts, like with a group that is reading a certain book. Listen to others and what they think about a reading. Share your insights with others.
I don’t think you will get much out of the Bible if you think of it as just another piece of ancient literature that has no current relevance. Most people who read the Bible don’t understand it as well as they would like. I’m one of them. Yet, if you are like me you want to know and understand more. We have a hunger for God and can find him in the Bible. It is not the only place we find him, but it is a great place to start. The Bible is relevant to us today. Why else would it be the most popular of all books ever? When reading the Bible, ask, “God what are you trying to tell me?”
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”

One Reply to “May I Walk with You? Reading the Bible

  1. i agree, and i especially agree with reading the bible, with a bible commentary, near by when there are questions, study of the bible, is very important to understanding what the bible is saying. -joe kronewitter

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