People say times are tough, and if you sat down next to me while we were reading about all the horrible situations families had endured this past year, you could do nothing but agree.
Our annual Christmas Wish Program was conducted in several of our newspapers this past month. We asked readers to write letters to their newspaper, explaining why we should provide them with funds to have a Merry Christmas.
The funds would come from businesses that purchased ads in December and ordinary citizens that donated to the fund. I am happy to say there are a lot of sympathetic donors out there. One person donated $3000 and another $2000. Of course there were many smaller donations as well.
What we do is add up the money and then go over the letters assigning them a numerical grade from 1 to 6, 6 being a $600 contribution and 1 being the least, $100. We then send checks to the deserving families. This year we received more letters than any other year- well over 100. And some of them would bring tears to your eyes.
One letter writer said this, “On November 14th my daughter’s boyfriend was murdered tragically. The following day I was on my way to go see my daughter and grandbabies when another card hit me and totaled my car. I fortunately walked away with a concussion and five broken teeth. On top of that I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and was told I have to have surgery immediately.”
Her request was we send her a check to provide a Christmas for her children, ages 2,3,4,6,12 and 17.
Another letter that pulls at the heart strings. “I need help to get a place to stay. I became homeless awhile ago and have been on the waiting list for Section 8, but the county says they have no funds available. Right now I have to park at Walmart every night, but it’s difficult to stay warm overnite.”
Her request is to have Christmas with her kids and grandbabies in a place that is warm with a Christmas tree.
And here’s another family in a dire situation. “We currently live in a 3-bedroom trailer. My fiancé and I share a room with our three kids, my mother-in-law, her husband, my fiancé’s grandmother, along with my fiancé’s two little sisters and their brother. I am the only one that works in the household thus I’m paying all expenses and have nothing left over to get out of this situation.”
Here’s another sad situation. A 70-year-old who had her lung replaced a year ago, but now has cancer, can’t afford fuel oil for her tiny home. She is heating it with candles.
These are just a few stories from your friends and neighbors that need help. Thanks to the generosity of local businesses and private citizens we have been able to help most of them. Personally, as I read through the dozens of letters, it breaks my heart that so many families are struggling during this holiday season. On the other hand, I am extremely gratified by the donations we receive to pass along to these families.