If you’ve been watching the crisis at our southern border, you might wonder what has happened to the millions of illegal immigrants that crossed the border the last few years. Where do they go, and how are they supported you may ask?
Well, you as an American taxpayer pay NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) to transport, feed and house the illegal immigrants. The NGO’s that handle these tasks are funneled millions and sometimes billions of dollars from the Department of Homeland Security or Health and Human Services.
Some leaders of these NGO’s are former staffers from the Obama presidency. For instance, Krish Vignarajah, a senior policy advisor to both Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama took over Global Refugee which has received over a billion dollars in grants to settle illegal immigrants. Her salary is $643,000 a year.
That pales in comparison, however to Catholic Charities which has received $1.4 billion in taxpayer money. And Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is not far behind. Both of these also receive millions of dollars from local Catholic and Lutheran congregations as well.
Charles Marino, a former DHS advisor under former President Obama, said its impossible to track how many taxpayer funded NGO’s are operating along the southwest border.
Marino added, “So now they have turned it over to the NGO’s, not just to coordinate the shelter and the food, but also the travel, ultimately we’re going to see billions of dollars of taxpayer money go to waste through fraud and abuse because there’s no oversight through FEMA.”
One report noted NGO’s also reach out to know got-aways to offer financial assistance. It’s a big business and the more illegals they can help, the more the feds will pay them. On wonders if a few unscrupulous NGO’s aren’t working with cartels.
A report in 2024 from the Inspector General found that $110 million from the American Rescue Plan for migrants at the southern border was misspent- in come cases it was given to gotaways that eluded border patrol.
And I sit here and wonder why we have left our borders open for so long. Republicans claim the Democrats were seeking new voters, expecting migrants to register to vote and become Democrats. I don’t buy that.
The old axiom “follow the money” is again so true. Certain individuals and organizations have gotten rich, while the rest of us are paying for them to do so. This seems to be a common thread throughout our federal government and hopefully our new administration can put a stop to it.
Here’s what needs to be done. Obviously step one is to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States. That is already happening. Then the agencies that funnel money to the NGO’s need to be put on notice- no more taxpayer money goes to NGO’s period. The money can be used for disaster relief- I know some folks in the Los Angeles area and western North Carolina that would welcome financial help.
Will our new administration cut NGO funding? Only time will tell.
“You want all gov’t funding of agencies that help illegal immigrants to cease.”
You are correct.
Mike – You have got to be one of the dumbest Trump supporters out there. You rival him for the inability to even google things. Defund the NGO’s you scream. OK. That next mortgage you apply for will be double the interest rate because NGO’s (FNMA and FHLMC) purchase those loans from banks so they don’t have to hold them in portfolio and risk losses like back in the Reagan era when mortgage rates were 22%. Or how about Feeding America? They’re an NGO with the best pass through of funds to feed of any charity those that need it. Basically you want all government funding of agencies that help immigrants (legal or illegal) to cease. Starve them out of the country. You hate monger with the best of them. Reading your “musings” is like a rerun of Fox and Friends. Misinformation or outright lies.
that’s right end it all