I’m writing this on Election Day. I have no idea who is going to win the presidential race, but I do fear whoever wins, there will be discord in our nation. I have had this uneasy feeling in my stomach that looting, riots and thousands of challenges from political operative lawyers will ensue the day after the results are known.
Legal challenges are a given, hopefully I am wrong, and riots and looting will not occur. However, we are a divided nation, I don’t think either side- Harris or Trump, will proclaim they have lost.
That’s a shame. It used to be in the not-so-distant past, losers would gracefully congratulate their opponents. After the first Tuesday in November, both parties would work together to have a peaceful inauguration in mid-January. But in the last 20 years, civility has went out the window.
I don’t think that is possible in the present. The name-calling from both candidates has been off the charts, and I don’t know after all the trash talking how they can shake hands and be civil to one another. Therefore, I don’t know how their supporters won’t claim a million instances of election fraud.
We are no longer the leader of the world when it comes to election civility. Social media and cable television have juiced up supporters to the point that unrest is most likely akin to third world countries. I cringe at some of the political ads that have been aired. I despise the name calling from both camps- whether it be Nazi or dumb and lazy. This type of rhetoric does not belong in a political campaign. Tell us how you are going to make this country better, not how horrible your opponent is.
Hopefully I am wrong about the unrest. I would love to see the nation come together as one, supporting whoever wins. I would like to see both candidates, no matter who wins, work together to make the U.S. better.
Veterans day is right around the corner, and I would like to give a “shout out” to all those brave men and women who have served the United States in armed services. Most communities have a veteran’s observance of some type. I suggest we take part, if we have the time. It is important to show those that served, we care, and acknowledge their service.
Personally, I didn’t have the privilege to serve, but God Bless those that have. We have been a part of many wars in my lifetime and millions of my peers have fought valiantly in those wars whether they be World War II, Korean War, Viet Nam, Gulf War, etc. There are still many brave soldiers serving overseas in harms way as wars are being fought in Europe and the Middle East.
As we approach Thanksgiving I urge each and everyone to give thanks to family and friends, but also say a prayer for our veterans who have fought so valiantly in our name.
I love all your editorials … keep up the great writing!