I’ve been an avid fan of the Olympics since I was a pre-teen. I was glued to the TV set in my teenage years, watching the opening ceremony and most of the events. It was a tradition I have always looked forward to. Thus much to my chagrin, I was taken aback by this year’s opening ceremonies.
Now I’m not one to deny inclusion for all races, all creeds and all communities. I think it is a good thing. But I don’t think the Olympic organizers including the Olympic Committee and officials in France offered the opposite with their drag show spectacle depicting Da Vinci’s Last Supper, or what some proclaim was a depiction of a Greek bacchanal.
We are told to view it as a “tongue in cheek” artform that was not meant to offend anyone, however to millions of viewers in the United States and elsewhere it was a tasteless rebuke of Christianity. I’m a mature adult and found it disgusting. I can’t imagine what impressionable children might have thought. But there it was in full view of everyone, a drag show like none other intended to show off the diversity of Paris, I guess, but having quite the opposite effect for millions of viewers.
Unfortunately this will be what we remember about the 2024 Summer Olympics- an opening ceremony that was abhorred by millions of viewers instead of the accomplishments of thousands of athletes who have trained for many years to make their mark in the world’s pre-eminent sports festival.
Here’s a few comments I found interesting:
Le Filip, the recent winner of “Drag Race France,” expressed their positive “surprise” and “pride” at the ceremony’s scale and representation.
“I thought it would be a five-minute drag event with queer representation. I was amazed. It started with Lady Gaga, then we had drag queens, a huge rave, and a fire in the sky,” they said. “It felt like a crowning all over again. I am proud to see my friends and queer people on the world stage.”
On the other hand, prominent far-right politician Marion Maréchal denounced the performance on social media.
“To all the Christians of the world who are watching the Paris 2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation,” she posted on X, a sentiment that was echoed by religious conservatives internationally.
“… because decapitating Habsburgs and ridiculing central Christian events are really the FIRST two things that spring to mind when you think of OlympicGames,” Eduard Habsburg, Hungary’s ambassador to the Vatican, posted on X, also referencing a scene depicting the beheading of Marie Antoinette.
The Olympic Committee has since apologized to those who were offended by the ceremony. Many are saying it was half-hearted and are wondering why we haven’t heard from French President Macron.
I suggest we get back to the original spirit of the games- sports. We don’t need politicized opening ceremonies. The Olympics are about achieving the pinnacle in sports, not about a an opening presentation that takes away the glory of those achievements.
For your information (since you don’t seem to know how to Google): “The scene in question was not a depiction of the Last Supper but rather an ancient Greek Bacchanal. This choice reflects the Olympics’ historical roots in ancient Greece. A Bacchanalia is a celebration honoring Bacchus, the god of wine, also known as Dionysus in Greek mythology. These festivals were characterized by their exuberance and festivities, often lasting for several days.” So pull your panties out of your ass crack. God you are stupid.