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Mike’s Musings: One would never imagine an assassination attempt, a president resigning in one week

What a week for the history books. First a former president, now the leading candidate for president, survived an assassination attempt, then his opponent, the current president announced he would no longer be running for a second term.
I’m still confused and upset, that a 20-year-old kid could outfox our Secret Service, an agency taxpayers fund by the tune of $3.2 billion per year, and wound Trump. Reports indicate that the Secret Service knew about the assassin a half hour before he fired, yet they still allowed the former president to take the stage. Other reports indicate the roof from where the assassin shot was not protected even though it was well within the range of the assassin’s weapon.
But what has really puzzled me is the Secret Service and the FBI’s lack of response to news inquiries about the incident. Not a single press conference has been held by either entity concerning the incident that happened. The FBI, the lead investigating agency, is typically quick to hold press conferences when they are involved in mass shootings or other high-profile incidents. To not inform its constituents of what they have learned in this investigation is disheartening. Lack of information only breeds rumors and makes many interested parties believe that our government has something to hide.
Secret Service head, Kimberly Cheadle should resign immediately. Under questioning, she has refused to answer most questions and had nothing substantive to say. Her stock answer was, “this is an active investigation so I can’t comment.” Again, I ask what does she, or they have to lose by answering honestly and admitting mistakes were made. We are all human, and we all make mistakes. Most of us admit to them, but those in government usually do not.
Joe Biden’s campaign discontinuation was not necessarily a surprise. His political allies, elected officials that had been his friend for years, turned on him like a dime, when they determined he was unelectable. This is despite, Biden having 95% delegates won fair and scare in state Democratic primaries. As they say, politics can be brutal and Biden after 50 years in political office has learned that lesson.
Biden probably would lose because he reportedly has dementia, and he can’t function day-to-day. One has to wonder who has actually been running the office of the presidency behind the scenes. Has it been long established advisors, Obama holdovers or 20-something White House staff. And then there is the question as to who and how many family members, advisors, cabinet members and elected officials knew of his condition.
A sitting incumbent president hasn’t bowed out of an election since Lyndon Johnson in 1968. He quit his re-election campaign in March. It is now almost August, and Kamala Harris or whoever is chosen to take over the helm, has got an uphill battle. I’m confident the Democratic Party will get its act together and make this race very competitive.
But whatever happens, we are never going to experience a week like this. We have to demand more competency from our government officials. Hopefully that will occur in the coming years.

One Reply to “Mike’s Musings: One would never imagine an assassination attempt, a president resigning in one week

  1. What the hell are you talking about. No president resigned. Stop with the click bait. And FWIW if you want to continue talking about TFG getting shot everyone knows it’s crap. Blood spatter(?) that doesn’t flow in the right direction. No photos of wound. No medical report. C’mon Mike. Not everybody is as gullible as Mid Michigan.

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