As we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season I would like to make a few observations.
First, I don’t think we need to get upset over politics. I’ve read on social media, where if you voted for Trump you will not be welcome for Thanksgiving Dinner, and vice versa. This is insane. Family and friends should supersede your political persuasion. Not allowing people into your residence because they voted differently from you is cruel. You really need to see a therapist if you plan on locking out family and friends because quite frankly politics plays too big a role in your life. Relax and chill, life isn’t that bad.
And while we are enjoying that Thanksgiving Dinner, or watching the Lions crush the Bears, let’s leave politics at home. No need to get in heated debates when observing Thanksgiving. Surely there are many other topics worthy of discussion. I know my discussions will center around the Lions, and their incredible season to date, that of course, after we hear about the new babies, grandchildren, engagements, and career changes that have taken place within the last year.
Secondly, we needn’t get all worked up about the new administration. Some say, mostly celebrities, they are leaving the country. Didn’t we hear that 8 years ago? Others simply have spent the last several days on social media lamenting their plight because Trump and his newly appointed cabinet will destroy their life. That won’t happen. We already had four years of Trump and your life made it through those years. It will be fine through the next four.
A lot was said during the campaign from political camps. But what is said, lots of times, doesn’t come to fruition. So, take what Trump or Harris might say, with a grain of salt. Campaign promises must go through a lot of hoops before they become reality. Trust me, your world isn’t going to change overnight.
Trump said he would eliminate tax on tips and make interest on car loans tax deductible. Those are two really good policies most of us can get behind, but he can’t just wave a magic wand to make it happen. It takes approval of Congress, which isn’t all that easy. He also said he would place massive tariffs on China and others. Again, that probably won’t happen. I suspect tariffs, but massive, no way.
And I might add, local elections are more likely to impact you and your lifestyle versus what happens at the federal level. It peeves me that so many ballots only check the presidential race and leave the down ballot positions unchecked. City, township, county and even state elected officials make decisions that affect your pocketbook and local community. You should be more concerned with the winners of these political contests than who triumphs as president.
So, in closing, be kind to your family and friends, no matter who they voted for and for chrissakes enjoy the holiday season. It is supposed to be full of cheer, not worry and regret.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Mike has proven himself a MAGAt over and over. His voice is the one your hear on Fox News, Newsmax and other outlets that can’t tell the truth. I look at his cabinet picks and, as one person put it, “I’ve seen better cabinets at IKEA”. This is about revenge and authoritarian power and nothing else.
Letter to the Editor,
The person who needs to stop discussing politics is you. You call for folks to put aside politics for Thanksgiving, calling those who can’t “cruel” and your statement that they need to see a therapist is extremely thoughtless.
You’re saying that every rape victim should happily fix a large feast and serve it to people who gleefully elected an adjudicated rapist and felon to the most powerful position in the world. Is that really what you’re saying, Mike? Are you saying women should just put aside the terror & pain that we suffered so that Thanksgiving Dinner can be a happy event for those who cared so little for us that they would elect a rapist?
You also stated, “We already had four years of Trump and your life made it through those years.” Have you so quickly forgotten that many lost their lives due to Trump’s inexperience and incompetence? There were mass graves and bodies stacked in refrigerated trailers, Mike! The day that Trump left office there were already 400,000 Americans dead in a worldwide pandemic that eventually took over 1.2 million of us.
This wasn’t a normal election by any means. We’ve all seen what a dumpster fire a Trump presidency is and yet, nearly half of the voters in this country wanted to do it all again. All I can think is that the decades Republicans spent chipping away at public education has paid off handsomely for them because we now have proof that critical thinking skills are a lost art.
Your paper would be far better off without your incredibly tone deaf “Musings”. Mike.