By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor
A day to remember.
That’s how Otsego High School choir director Meredith Lincoln described her students’ trip to Choral Vocal Day at Central Michigan University last month.
“It’s a day full of opportunities and experiences and an overall wonderful event,” Lincoln said.
For Lincoln, the trip to CMU was a bit of a homecoming. After graduating from OHS, she attended CMU and graduated from the school’s vocal music program.
At CMU, Lincoln studied under Director of Choral Activities Amon Eady, who organizes Choral Vocal Day.
The Otsego students had the opportunity to perform two songs for Eady and were part of a clinic during which they received feedback and guidance on their vocals.
The two songs by the OHS choir will be featured at their December holiday concert.
Also part of the day for the OHS students was:
- Attending master classes from CMU vocal staff.
- Listening to CMU choirs perform.
- Viewing a preview of CMU’s musical.
- Meeting two Broadway stars—one who performs in Hamilton and the other in The Lion King—and participated in a Question and Answer session with them.
- Listening to the Broadway stars performing a song with them.
“It really was a day to remember,” Lincoln said.