Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Otsego Band Invitational takes center stage

The performance by the Otsego High School marching band was among the highlights for the Otsego Band Invitational. (Photo provided)
Members of the Otsego High School marching band are seen performing at the Otsego Band Invitational. (Photo provided)

By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor

The annual Otsego Band Invitational is always a special event for Otsego High School/Middle School band director Mitch Piersma.
This year’s edition—which was the 39th and took place on Saturday, Sept. 28—was even more so.
That’s because when the band from Galesburg-Augusta took the field for its performance at Bulldog Stadium, it did so under the direction of Piersma’s son Caleb.
This is Caleb Piersma’s first year as the Galesburg-Augusta’s band director.
“I always find it a treat to watch area bands that I normally don’t get to see,” Mitch Piersma said. “I also enjoyed seeing bands of directors that did their student teaching with me. And this year seeing my son conduct his band from Galesburg-Augusta was a lot of fun.”
Galesburg-Augusta was one of 15 bands that traveled to Otsego for the competition.
That number is a little down from the 19 that participated in the Otsego Band Invitational last year, but there are several reasons for that.
“It’s hard to maintain the amount of groups we usually get when many of our regulars have their homecoming dance and there are three other area shows the same day,” Mitch Piersma said. “We were still the biggest show of the day, however.”
And as the biggest show of the day, there were plenty of spectators who came out to support their respective band or simply to listen to some music.
“OBI was well attended once again and the bleachers were full by the end of the day,” Mitch Piersma said. “The show ran seamlessly, and now that the pool construction is over, things seemed very easy.”
Even Mother Nature cooperated.
“They had forecasted rain, and we didn’t have any, so that was a bonus,” Mitch Piersma said.
Mitch Piersma was also quick to thank the many volunteers who helped make the event possible.
“The volunteers were outstanding,” he said. “They, along with the band boosters, did an outstanding job and we received many compliments from the directors that brought their bands.”
Mitch Piersma estimates that about 75 people volunteered between working at the invitational, helping out with the OHS performance at the Creative Arts Festival earlier in the day and the OHS performance at the invitational.
And speaking of the Creative Arts Festival, that event and the Bulldog Invitational cross country meet are, like the Otsego Band Invitational, among the biggest events the city hosts each year. And for all three to take place on the same day takes some coordinating and cooperation.
“It’s all about working together,” Mitch Piersma said. “I have been very impressed these last couple years with how the City, cross country team and the band have been able to pull off three major events on the same day. 
“Communication is the key, and all parties met together more than once. Law enforcement was a big help as well, with traffic rerouting and guidance. It is a great day to watch sports, listen to music and have some fun downtown.”
And while this year’s Otsego Band Invitational is barely over, Mitch Piersma and others associated with the band program already have 2025 on their minds.
“Planning for next year has already begun,” he said. “We make notes on what did and didn’t work and constantly try to improve it. The boosters hold numerous meetings with all the department chairs and prepare months in advance. We always want it to be a special day.”

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