“America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
This month is filled with days of remembrance. Eighty years ago, June 6, 1944, allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy and the invasion of Europe began; On Friday, June 14, 1775. the United States Army was founded. We celebrate this day as “Flag Day”; Sunday, June 16, is Father’s Day; Wednesday, June 19 is National Independence Day; Thursday, June 20, is the first day of Summer, and the days then begin to get shorter by the minute; Saturday, June 22, would have been my mother’s 121st birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom. On this day in 1942, our Pledge of Allegiance was officially recognized by Congress; the Korean War began on June 25, 1950; and Thursday, June 27, is National Post-Traumatic Stress Awareness Day. It’s a full month, so let’s enjoy each and every day.
The Annual Three Rivers Water Festival is probably the most family-fun event of the month. Father’s Day weekend, June 13, 14 and 15, the town turns into Festival City. The Water Festival parade kicks off the weekend on Thursday, June 13. The rain-date will be Friday, the fourteenth. There’s the classic car show in downtown on Saturday, plus many other activities. You’ll want to check the Commercial-News for a list of activities.
If you’re interested in boosting your Belly Biome, here are four ways to do just that:
- Power up your pasta or pizza. Use marinara sauce and add onions, peppers, sliced garlic, roasted broccoli, and olives or mushrooms.
- When preparing a salad, instead of using iceberg, romaine, or kale, try the spring mix; you could quadruple the number of plants with this simple swap.
I• nstead of a can of peanuts, get a can of mixed nuts that would include almonds, pecans, pistachios, plus more. Flax, pumpkin, hemp, chia and sunflower seeds might also add to your choices. - Cereal toppings. Add to your Cheerios with a type of nut, fruit or seed. For dessert, you might want to try topping your ice cream with a variety of nut and fruit toppings. Maybe not as tasty as chocolate, but much healthier.
Here are some words you never want to hear from certain people: - Your Accountant. “Would you consider selling a kidney?”
- Your Personal Trainer. “I’ve had two clients die on this machine, so be careful.”
- Your Plumber. “How critical is hot water anyway?”
- Your Lawyer. “Are you the plaintiff or the defendant? I always get those two mixed up.”
I don’t know of anyone who has invested in the Gold Market. There are many things that are gold-plated, but I’ve never held a piece of solid gold. Here are a few interesting facts concerning gold: - Olympic gold medals are at least 92.5% silver.
- Gold is measured in troy ounces, not your usual ounces. A one ounce gold bar actually weighs one point one ounce.
- A standard bar of gold weighs 27.4 pounds.
S H A L O M!