Clare County Review Columns

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Bits – Labor Day – that means fall!

The weatherman may not be saying it, and these sunny warm (hot) days we have been having aren’t showing it, but you know that fall is in the air again.
Labor Day is Monday and August is over already.
I just don’t know where the summer has gone…
School started last Monday and I think the kids were ready to go back again.
Plus, the temperature in the evening keeps gradually dropping lower…at least occasionally. The nights are flirting with the 40s and especially in some mornings, you can actually feel fall in the air. And then the sun comes blazing up again.
The annual Old U.S. 27 Car Tour has come and gone, Harrison’s big Street Fair celebration is over and Farwell’s Labor Day Celebration is here again.
Festivities begin today and will wind up on Monday. For more about what is going on this year, check out this week’s paper.
You better enjoy this weekend, because when it’s over it will be the end of the summer.
The end of the season…
The trees know what’s coming. We went into town for lunch today – fast food in Pettit Park so we can watch the river while we eat. And, guess what we saw here, there and everywhere? Trees beginning to show a little color here and there!
Fall is a great time of year, possibly my favorite season of all, not just because of the anticipation of the fall colors, which are certainly wonderful, and not just because the air feels crisp and clean, but simply because pretty soon, we won’t have any more excessively hot and humid days to deal with.
Lots of moisture too. It rained most of last night (it’s Tuesday) and, as usual, the grass seems to be growing an inch overnight and the fall flowers are in bloom again. Along every road and in every empty field, the Goldenrod or Wild Mustard is blooming!
From the roadside stands I have been seeing around the area, I’d say there is an abundance of garden goods out there this year. There seems to be lots of fresh produce around. Guess I will just have to buy some of those fresh green beans and tomatoes this year…
The bird feeders are still going strong too. Jack fills them and they empty them, usually by the same evening, the greedy little characters.
Although except for noisy visits by scores of Red-Wing Blackbirds, we haven’t a very big variety of visitors out there. The regulars are still coming though. We’ve had loads of purple and gold finches, orioles, sparrows, , mourning doves by the dozens and of course a few blue jays, who are beautiful, but very loud and brash.
The hummingbirds are still fighting over their feeder, although I am expecting them to leave again soon. We have had around five or six vying for seats on the single feeder every day.
And despite the oriole feeder hanging in the window, they have to share with those orange breasted beauties. We love to watch them in the mornings.
Pretty soon we will be talking about the annual fall color tours around the area. As I said, we have already seen a few trees turning here and there, but the real burst of color comes in late September and early October in our area.
We saw a few “fall colors” on our way up north and back on Sunday. We went up to Marlene’s camper next to where ours used to set for a birthday party. It was lovely to see everyone who came to share Birthday Boy Rick’s favorite dinner — Tacos
Fall colors in this state are so beautiful that you just can’t seem to remember them from one year to the next. They are always a new and incredible surprise when we have a really good year. I hope this is going to be one of them. When the sun shines and all the colors are so brilliant they seem to be lighted from inside that is a great fall season.
I’m ready for it.

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