I’m just not ready for what comes next.
After days and days of cloudy, gloomy, rainy, chilly weather, the sun came out for a few minutes today (Tuesday). It didn’t last very long unfortunately and the dark clouds on the horizon are already promising us more rain later today.
I’m afraid our beautiful fall weather is done for another year, at least around here. Snow is even in the forecast for Wednesday (tomorrow) and Thursday.
Wednesday Update: As it does almost hourly, the weather forecast has changed again. Now it’s ¼ to 1 inch of the white stuff this evening.
I hope it is just “flurries.”
I actually love a winter snowfall, but not the stuff that goes along with it very much…you know, slippery roads and sidewalks, wearing heavy clothes, coats, hats, gloves and boots before you can venture out the door… It’s lovely if you can stay in here and look out at the winter scene!
We were complaining about the end of the season and the oncoming winter last week…until we took a trip down to see my brother in Stevensville.
Getting together with family always reminds me to quit complaining and makes me realize that I have so much to be thankful for. Just seeing my only remaining brother Jim for a few hours makes me realize how lucky I am to still have him. He is ninety-two and doing pretty well considering all those years.
On the way south we saw a few spots of lingering fall color here and there, not much though until we got down towards the south west corner of Michigan where Jim lives.
We followed the season south! It’s still fall there! Or at least it was last weekend. We only stayed a day, but thoroughly enjoyed visiting with Jim and some of the family that made it over to his house while we were there. The weather wasn’t sunny, but the color was still vibrant.
I actually love road trips and am hoping we get to make one later on this winter, heading south of course.
After our much too brief visit with family last weekend, we headed north again. We skirted the lakeshore for as long as we could Saturday afternoon and were rewarded, seeing a lot more color along Lake Michigan before another brief stop at Gun Lake for dinner with more family.
Then we had to head east and north in the dark, back to the gloomy north country around Clare.
The color always comes on later and lasts longer around the Great Lakes they say. We found it to be true…
Seems hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is less than a week away now. We will get two this year, one with Grandson Jayson and his daughter Ayssa this weekend and more turkey and trimmings at daughter Lisa’s next Thursday.
The holidays always make me feel thankful for all our blessings, and we sure have a bunch, even when you just count the grands and great grands in the family. I only wish we could all be together like we used to be when we had holiday gatherings at the place on the Tobacco. Unfortunately, the spirit is still willing but the body isn’t ready to fix a big dinner for a crowd of family.
Even if we had the stamina, we couldn’t fit very many in this little place.
I’m afraid those days are long gone. Anyway, these days the family is spread all over the state and the country and we just don’t see as much of them as we would like to.
So, we rely on email and phone call to keep up on their news. But when they can come, their visits to see the “old folks” are much appreciated these days.
Deer season arrived last Friday, but not with much of a “bang” at least out here in our area. We heard a couple of shots, but didn’t stick around for long as that is the day we headed south.
Driving south on Friday and back on Saturday or Sunday (actually on Saturday night) makes the trip much less crowded, or maybe less congested is the better word, especially when the traffic is all going the other way!
Lisa’s family, most of them, went hunting Friday and Terry bagged an eight-point after a few “dry” years. We used to do that too, but no more. Even imagining a couple of oldsters like us wandering around in the woods makes me laugh.
With Thanksgiving only days away now, you know what that means…it’s only four and a half weeks until Christmas, and as usual, I’m not ready!