It’s time for my annual list of resolutions for the coming year.
I am really good at making lists and resolutions.
I make lists for just about everything. It used to be because I like doing it. These days it’s because I can’t remember anything anymore!
Without a list, I would be lost, and so would Jack. One very common comment in this household is, “What did you say we need to buy?” and the answer is almost always, “I can’t remember.”
I’m great a remembering faces, but names have always been a real problem for me. These days it is just about impossible and now I am even forgetting the names of my favorite movies and actors, “You know which one it was, right Honey?” And, the ever-growing list of birthdays and anniversaries, if I haven’t written it down.
Then there is the problem of remembering where in the world I put that list…..
Back to resolutions.
Every year I write down all of the things I would like to change – my resolution list, and every year about mid-January I promptly forget all about them and go on doing things pretty much the way I always have – which is at the last minute!”
For instance, I always wait until the very last week of the year to do the “Year in Review.” In fact, that’s what I will be doing probably all day on Saturday and Sunday. It would be so much easier to type the important stuff into an article week by week, but then because I am a confirmed procrastinator, I can always think of something that is easier, or more fun to do instead.
Oh, I always get it done, but usually after a marathon session like that; my fingers actually start feeling like they are literally “glued” to the keyboard, which will be the case again this year – as usual.
If you haven’t guessed, I haven’t started it yet…..It’s just another thing I would like to change about myself and year after year it is one of the New Year’s resolutions I always promptly break (using the thought that at least I don’t have to think about doing that again for a while. Probably until the last week of 2025…)
I have another project to do that I have been putting off all year long. Because I am self-employed I need to keep track of my expenses for the accountant at tax time. I do have a file where I put all the receipts, but putting them on a list? You guessed it; I haven’t even started that yet either.
In fact, ALL of the end-of-the-year important stuff isn’t even started. Jack is in charge of the household expenses and I have to admit he is much better at keeping up with that than I am. I think he might have his done for the first three quarters of 2024 already. And he will rub it in too!
I am making a resolution this year to TRY and do a little better on this stuff.
Also, I will be making my usual Resolutions too: to eat better and exercise more (these are really hard to do). I am resolving to spend more fun time with family and friends and the grandkids of course, and to finish that Dinosaur quilt for Great Grandson Maverick and get started on the one for Amelia and maybe get out my paints and drawing materials.
I think New Year’s resolutions are way overrated anyway. People make ‘em, then they break ‘em – at least most people do.
I simply can’t believe the end of the year is here already. Seems like it has flown by again. Wasn’t I just grumbling that spring would never get here?
Now winter has officially arrived – with cold (below zero even) weather and (temporarily at least) snow on the ground out there.
I probably shouldn’t mention our skimpy snow covering. That usually brings on a storm, I’m told.