Clare County Review Columns

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: You can sure tell it is October in an election year

I’ll bet you thought I was going to write about fall color… well not quite yet, although it is getting a little more colorful out there.
Surprisingly the fall color level is just about the same here as it is up north at Roscommon, where we spent last week on the first weeks’ vacation we have taken in over two years. We are going back later in October with hopes that there will be more fall colors to see by then.
Despite the color, or rather the lack of it, we had a nice quiet time – no TV, just books, phone games and recorded movies (we watched about four while we were there) and visits with family of course. Also listened to the coyotes ‘music’ after the sun went down.
As usual my handyman hubby kept pretty busy fixing things for our “landlady” Marlene who was spending her time “hunkering down at her Florida home and waiting for the hurricane winds to die down. Bet she wished she had stayed up here in the north country for another month or so…
I know it is October this week now that we are home again because of the television. I am talking about television commercials. The first Tuesday in November – Election Day – is now only a bit over a month away and two out of every three ads aired are political – which irritates me no end as I am trying to work in the office while the set is blasting away in the living room.
Luckily this multi-purpose room (today my office) in our “big camper” has a door, now actually two that I can close. It dulls the noise somewhat so I don’t get so distracted.
Funny how many habits you can acquire over the years. Used to be I wouldn’t turn the set on for two or three days when Jack was working out of town.
I can tell you I am not missing much TV information now though, especially the mis-information in those commercials.
It seems every single candidate is trying to convince us that he/she is the perfect one for the job and the “other guy” would cause complete disaster for the federal budget, the economy, social programs and even the environment. The “mudslinging” is phenomenal and particularly “dirty” this election year. They should give prizes out for the biggest lies.
I wonder why each candidate doesn’t just stick to touting their own qualifications and to what he/she would do if elected. Wouldn’t that be a refreshing change?
So, I am reading carefully and doing a bit of investigation on my own before I actually make up my mind about who will do the least damage to the country..
And, now that I am used to living with a “retiree,” the noise level around the house, although a bit higher than it used to be, doesn’t bother me much.
What I can’t figure out is how he can have the TV going full blast and be sound asleep at the same time.
This has been a whole new chapter in our almost 58 years of married life. My big strong, “take charge,” – “I’ll do it myself!” guy is now tied to a reclining chair, unless he is heading down the hall to the bathroom, or outside to “fix stuff” in the garage… Sometimes he even sleeps in that recliner, since lying flat in bed is just not as comfortable as it used to be for either of us.
He may not be able to do as much as he used to (example – his recent fall while visiting nephew Randy last week and his current recovery from some “mega” bruises, but I am discovering he is a great “armchair” coach and willingly broadcasts “how to” instructions and chore reminders any time I need them (and even occasionally when I don’t).
Now that he is retired and I am still working, besides the outside lawn stuff, he has taken over most of the household chores I used to do and is pretty proud of himself.
He should be. He is doing a pretty fair job if I don’t look at things too closely… He even cooks (or provides) most of our meals, handles the laundry (a chore he took over years ago) and always does the kitchen cleanup.
He is pretty handy, I’d say, but I am still the best cook for the complicated stuff…

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