Marking the 47th year, Christmas baskets for 82 families were prepared by members of the Paw Paw Lions Club and others, as part of the club’s Community Christmas Baskets program. The baskets, located at the Paw Paw Lions Club building, were distributed to Paw Paw area residents on Saturday morning, Dec. 21, starting at 7, and continued for approximately two hours. The baskets contained food items for two weeks during the Christmas break. Paw Paw Lions Club member and organizer Don Brown said more than 100 volunteers took part in the project, which saw more than 600 baskets filled with food items including turkey, hot dogs, chicken sausage, pork roast, hamburger, flour, sugar, margarine, milk and cereal. The Paw Paw Red Wolves varsity baseball team helped with packing items Saturday morning. Family members of the late Dale Avery, a Paw Paw Lions Club member and past president, who passed away approximately three years ago, made four delivery trips during the day. Brown said Avery was a big supporter of the project.
Courier-Leader photos/Paul Garrod