Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel News

Pay increase approved for Sturgis mayor, city commissioners

Sturgis City Commission on Wednesday approved a recommendation by Elected Officials Compensation Commission to increase the pay rate for commissioners and Mayor Frank Perez.
In accordance with Home Rule City Act 279 of 1909, EOCC met Jan. 16 to review the current city commission compensation and make a recommendation for any changes. 
City clerk/treasurer Ken Rhodes presented EOCC with comparison data for mayor and commissioner compensation from among 43 Michigan communities. EOCC determined an increase for Sturgis mayor, from $3,400 to $4,600 per year, and each commissioner’s rate from $2,750 to $3,700 annually. 
Following review and determination by EOCC, the topic must be placed before city commissions within 30 days of being presented to the city clerk, or it automatically becomes effective. The commission must have a two-thirds majority to reject the proposal. If the city commission takes no action, the approved increases occur automatically. 
On Wednesday, commissioner Jeff Mullins made a motion not to accept the increase. He cited the commission’s continued efforts to reduce city expenses in as many cases as possible.  
“It’s nice (EOCC) put in the work, but I believe we could hold off for now,” Mullins said. 
Commissioner Marvin Smith seconded the motion, putting the measure to a roll-call vote. Mullins cast the only dissenting decision, so the new rates will stand. 
It’s the first pay bump for the board and mayor since 2013, according to Rhodes. 
Sturgis commissioners are paid on a quarterly basis. Rhodes told Sturgis Sentinel the new salary likely will take effect in February. 
Additional news from Wednesday’s meeting: 
The commission set two public hearings, each for Feb. 26, one for sidewalk construction and repair on East Jerolene Street, and a request by a resident to vacate a segment of North Fourth Street. 
Commissioners OK’d emergency replacement of a boiler at Sturges-Young Auditorium. Work for that should be underway next week, city manager Andrew Kuk told board members. The decision includes a plan to replace a second unit as part of the upgrade process. 

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