By John Brice
News of plans to construct a new rock quarry in the portion of Cusseta located in Chambers County spread on social media this past week, leaving many local residents shocked and upset. According to the description on a GoFundMe page titled “CONSERVE CUSSETA: STOP the Quarry” created by former Chambers County Development Authority Executive Director Valerie Gray, it was stated “A proposed aggregate mining operation has submitted a permit application to ADEM. There are numerous reasons for this being detrimental to our community. The most important being the health and safety of our citizens in Cusseta when it comes to air quality, water quality, noise nuisance, ground destabilization, and destruction to our roads and infrastructure. Join us as we fight to protect our children, livestock, and quality of life in the amazing Town of Cusseta!”
So far that fundraiser has reached $1,625 of its $5,000 goal which dovetails with passionate sentiments expressed on Facebook such as a post by local eatery The Front Porch Restaurant of Cusseta who commented “WE DO NOT WANT A ROCK QUARRY IN CUSSETA!!!! A rock quarry can have significant negative environmental effects including: landscape disruption, habitat destruction, air and water pollution from dust and runoff, noise pollution, potential groundwater contamination, soil erosion, and disruption of natural streams and springs, which can further impact local ecosystems and communities living nearby; abandoned quarries may also create unsafe lakes with sharp rocks and cliffs if not properly managed.”
“Concerns over the environmental wellness of bald eagles whose habitat is located in the proposed quarry site were also raised when another user remarked “Bald Eagles are federally protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and this quarry will directly and negatively impact their habitat in this area.”
Some users questioned the reasoning behind strong opposition to the new quarry, to which one commenter responded “Sink holes, dried up wells, not to mention silica dust traveling, what I’ve been told: at least two miles, which causes silicosis and potentially lung cancer. RLM beef is also right across the road from the potential quarry. Not sure if anyone has actually cared to research what effects this will have on the livestock and wildlife. Of course quarries bring some jobs, and a little tax money, and this one is for gravel, etc, but like someone said before: Nobody wants to live near one.
Providing further context on the case against the planned quarry, another user noted “For any that may not be aware, a quarry is being planned for Cusseta, AL in the area of CR 389 and CR 290. This is prime residential AND livestock area. Most of us in Cusseta are here for peace and quiet in the country but all that could change soon without your help and activism. I have lived near a quarry in the past and it is no fun. Blasting days can be rough for noise and dust. Private wells have been known to run muddy. Not only will this negatively impact the protection of peace and quiet in this community but it will adversely impact businesses, livestock and wildlife. I have Bald Eagles that fish my lake and this quarry will likely disturb their natural habitat. Please, please, please help us keep Cusseta peaceful, quiet and safe!”