Clare County Review News

Redding Township sees changes in Transfer Station contracts

Redding Township Trisha Martin explains issues with Transfer Station shortfalls

By Genine Hopkins

At the June 19th regular board meeting in Redding Township, a vote was made to sign new contracts with Waste Management for the eight, 8 yard dumpsters that provides the township with free recycling, but a move was made to sign a contract with GFL for five years for the roll offs, to reduce expenses. The blended, separate contracts with both GFL and Waste Management was the better deal for the township budget and was approved unanimously.
Also discussed was an increase in per parcel fee for the transfer station. Currently it is at about $25 per parcel and that has caused the budgeted amount for the transfer station to continually fall short, with the money to cover the expense taken from the general fund.
The board also passed motions to have an educational webinar for the Clerk and Deputy Clerk at the cost of $150, new workstations for the Clerk and Treasurer at a cost of $4,519, the fee of $15 per hour for FOIA Coordinator compensation if the request exceeds one hour to fulfill. The motion to sign a contract with Heintz Propane at a rate of $1.59 per gallon was tabled until the July meeting to allow time to check pricing for other providers.
A motion to allow Clerk Martin to reach out to the township attorney to provide guidance to place the Road Millage on the November 2024 ballot was approved, as was for the attorney to provide guidance on a Fire Millage for the November 2024 ballot.
Finally, Billie Wrubel wanted to remind everyone that there is currently a bottle collection at the transfer station during normal operating hours with all proceeds working toward purchase of a new generator for Redding Township Hall.

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