The Otsego girls cross country team has established itself as one of the premier programs in the state of Michigan, as evidenced by the Division 2 state championships the Bulldogs earned in 2015, 2016 and 2022.
This year has been no different for Otsego in terms of success, as the Bulldog won a Division 2 regional championship at Portage West Middle School on Saturday, Oct. 26.
Otsego’s score of 48 was 54 points better than runner-up Sturgis.
With the regional championship, Otsego will make another trip to the State Finals at Michigan International Speedway on Saturday, Nov. 2.
The Otsego boys also qualified for the State Finals, thanks to their third-place showing at the regional competition.
The Division 2 State Finals boys race is scheduled for 1:30 p.m., while the Otsego girls toe the line at 2:50 p.m.
For more about the regional meets, see Pages B1 and B3. (Photo provided)