Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Resident stake walk on roundabout

Thursday, August 22, 2024, the new Roundabout was opened for a Walkabout. City Manager Joel Dye welcomed walkers and those with non-motorized vehicles who explored the entrances and exits of the new Roundabout. The public walked or rode bikes, skateboards, scooters and wheelchairs around the circle discussing entrances and exits for two hours.
The Roundabout opened officially on Friday, August 23rd.
For those who were worried about the new configuration, Dye had a simple three-step reminder:

  1. Slow Down
  2. Look to the left for those who are already in the Roundabout. They have the right-of-way.
  3. If clear to the left, enter the Roundabout and exit at the desired street.
    HINT: If you miss your exit, just go around the circle and try again.

Dye reminded the public that roundabouts were being used more frequently in small communities to keep the traffic moving. He also assured those in attendance that the lights would remain at Cutler and Monroe Streets.

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