By James Windell
The City of South Haven announced on Monday, December 9, 2024, that a new police chief has been hired.
South Haven City Manager Kate Hosier, in a press release, said that the city was hiring Kevin Swope to take over the helm of the South Haven Police Department. For the past two months, the city was working with the Michigan Municipal League to select candidates and nar-row the viable candidates down to a short list. As part of that process, according to Hosier’s comments at the December 2, 2024, City Council Meeting, more than 40 people participated in focus groups providing feedback about the candidates for police chief.
Natalie Thompson, former South Haven Police Department (SHPD) Police Chief, retired on September 30, 2024, after a 31-year career with the SHPD. Since her retirement, Sergeant Pat Carlotto has been filling in as the interim police chief.
Kevin Swope, who has 26 years of law enforcement experience, is the current Chief of Police at the Dearborn Heights Police Department. In his present position, he oversees a staff of 67 sworn police officers, 20 full-time civilian employees, and 10 part-time reserve officers. Prior to assuming his current post in Dearborn Heights, Swope also served as their Director of Opera-tions. Before joining the Dearborn Heights Police Department, he served as a Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeant, and Patrol Officer at Westland Police Department, and as a Patrol Officer at the Detroit Police Department.
Swope completed the Detroit Metropolitan Police Academy in 1998, and he holds a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Administration from Columbia Southern University. In addi-tion, he completed the Police Executive School of Staff and Command at Eastern Michigan Uni-versity, the Police Executives and New Chiefs’ School from the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, and the FBI Law Enforcement Leadership Program’s Executive Leadership Institute.
City Manager Kate Hosier stated in a press release that, “Filling the shoes of former Chief Natalie Thompson was a huge task, but we feel confident that we have found the right person to lead the City of South Haven SHPD. His experience working with diverse communities, facilitat-ing union and staff relations, community policing, de-escalation, and his attention to policies and procedures truly impressed the interview committee, staff, and focus group members.”
Hosier added that, “Retired Chief Thompson is looking forward to meeting the new chief, and she has offered to assist with his onboarding at the SHPD and with his integration into the community of South Haven.”
The City Manager emphasized that the selection of Swope was a group effort. “We in-cluded SHPD and City staff, South Haven Township officials, members of City Council, and community members representing civic organizations, religious leaders, local businesses, Visitor’s Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, and South Haven Public Schools. Hearing from a wide variety of stakeholders was crucial to understanding the needs of our community.”
Swope will begin his tenure with the City on January 6, 2025, pending successful comple-tion of the background screenings.