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Sturgis Civic Players set for opening of ’Little Women’ 

AnnaBelle Pant (Meg), Aubrey Miller (Amy) Maddi Weiderman (Beth) Loren Corbin (Marmee) and Ella Bright (Jo) rehearse a scene from “Little Women.” (Laura Kemp/Provided)

By Dennis Volkert

“Little Women,” by Sturgis Civic Players, is presented at 7 p.m. March 28-29 and 2 p.m. March 30 at Sturges-Young Center for the Arts. 

“Little Women” is based on Louisa May Alcott’s novel, following the lives of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March, as they navigate childhood and transition into adulthood during the Civil War, while their father is away serving in the Union Army. 

The story focuses on their personal growth, dreams, relationships and the strong bond they share as a family, with Jo, an aspiring writer, often at the center of the narrative, as she strives to pursue her creative ambitions despite societal expectation.

Laura Kemp, director, described the choice of “Little Women” for this SCP production. 

“I chose this play because it has a nice, family-friendly vibe, and I’ve loved the book since I was a little girl,” Kemp said. “I also like shows that have larger female casts, as we have a lot of women try out for shows.”

Ella Bright plays the role of Jo, the protagonist of “Little Women.” 

Bright’s previous roles with Civic Players include Glinda from “The Wizard of Oz” (2024) and membership of children’s chorus in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.”

What drew her to the role of Jo? 

“Her confidence, an unabashed passion for living life to the fullest. How she doesn’t shrink herself down to make others comfortable,” Bright said. “How ahead of her time she was.”

Bright and other core cast members outlined the appeal of their characters and chemistry of the entire group. 

Aubrey Miller (Young Amy): “Amy is a very “real” character and easy to play because of that. I love working with this cast. We all mesh well.” 

Analiese Miller (Older Amy): “It’s exciting to do a show set in the Victorian era. Amy is also very dramatic, which can be fun.”

AnnaBelle Pant (Meg): “Practice is so fun. It’s amazing seeing the dynamics come to life. I’m grateful I get to work with such talented people.”

Maddilyn Weiderman (Beth): “I love playing such a sweet, quiet character, since she’s so different from myself! This cast has made it so easy to play a March sister. I can’t wait to put on the show.”

Regarding the cast, Bright said, “I adore them. How lucky I am to have such talented, lovely women to share the stage with and laugh and cry with in this beautiful show.”

Kemp looks forward to the opening as the final week of rehearsals conclude.

“It’s been so exciting to see this show come together from beginning to end,” Kemp said. “Everyone has worked incredibly hard to bring the community a quality show. The story of the March sisters is one of family, and that’s what we’ve become, as a cast and crew.” 


Mrs. Tomlinson: Julia Hartong
Josephine: Sami Lesniak
Mr. March: Ryan Davis
Marmee: Loren Corbin
Meg: AnnaBelle Pant
Jo: Ella Bright
Beth: Maddilyn Weiderman
Young Amy: Aubrey Miller
Older Amy: Analiese Miller
Hannah: Sammi Claar
Aunt March: Jill Peck
Mr. Laurence: Uriah Geroux
Laurie: Nick Ware
John Brooke: Xavian Meadows
Mrs. Moffet: Elizabeth Smith
Clara: Carissa Reiber
Jenny: Amelia Hartong
Mary: Lilly Kilburn
Sarah: Hava Bowersox
Katy: Yslie Geroux
Mrs. Kirke: Madeline Earl
Kitty: Kaia Fisch
Minnie: Adela Lopez-Gomez
Prof. Bhaer: Kohl Gonser/Fridtjof Sominka

Director: Laura Kemp
Assistant directors: Michelle Klar and Amanda Lewis
Programs/promotions: Laura Brott and Laura Kemp 
Hair and makeup: Ana and Aubrey Miller
Costumes: Stacey Richardson, Sami Richardson and Michelle Klar
Backstage crew: Emilie Bright and Rachel Boland
Props: Emilie Bright, Ileona Geroux and Michelle Klar
Sound and light: Michele & Kenton Kelley 

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