Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

The primary voters have spoken

By Gari Voss

The August 6, 2024, Primary Election promised to unveil winners, and in a number of instances those winners have no Republican or Democrat opponent on the November 5, 2024, election ballot. Included on the Primary Election ballots were federal, state, county and judicial positions, plus Allegan County and precinct proposals.
A caveat of this primary is that there were a number of races within the party, and the winners would have no opposition in November. Once the Primary was decided, the decision was made, unless there is an opponent from a party other than Democrat or Republican or if someone decides to mount a write-in bid for November 5th.
To review results in different formats, go to The examination of the results was begun by the Allegan County Board of Canvassers on Thursday, August 8, 2024, and final certification would be “on or after” Tuesday August 13, 2024.
The inner party races in the August 6th Primary are included below. Other races had a single candidate in either the Republican or Democrat party, and thus were decided before the voting began. These candidates will move onto the November election ballot.

Valley Township
The two Republicans going forward are Timothy Batchelor and Michael Krcatovich. They have no Democrat challenger in November.
Overisel Township
The Township Supervisor position went to Republican Lisa Russcher who will have no competition in November.
Otsego Township
The Republican Township Supervisor will be Bryan Winn who will face no Democratic competition.
Monterey Township
Republican Henry Reinart will be the Township Supervisor with no Democrat opposition in November.
Manlius Township
Republican Barbara Van Geideren will have no Democrat opponent for the Township Supervisor position. At the same time, Republicans David Kempker and Thomas Nolan took the two trustee positions, but it was a tight race between Nolan (295) third place candidate Zachary McKellips (291).
Lee Township
Democrat Scott Owen hung on over Pam Booth to face Republican Richard Rawson in November.
The trustee positions were more complicated with Democrats Lisa Galdikas and Ann Hatfield moving forward to go against Republican Ben Lewis in November.
Laketown Township
Republican Steven Ringelberg snuck pass Tara Toner by 48 votes and will have no opponent for Township Supervisor. For the Laketown Township Clerk, Republican Jim Delaney garnered the most votes and will have no competition in November.
The two Trustee positions were filled by Republicans Michael Koeman and Mark Timmerman.
Competition was in the Parks Commissioner race where Richard Becker, Mary Jo Bertolino, Thomas Evan Hoekman, Brad Laninga, and Michael Teekanp filled the five openings.
Hopkins Township
The Township Supervisor will be Republican Cade Bolser who will have no Democratic opponent.
Heath Township
Township Supervisor Ronald Jones (Republican) will have no competition in November 2024.
Gun Plain Township
The competitive race in Gun Plane Township was for township trustee. Republicans Dana Albertson, Kevin Meert, Jenann Pearson, and Christine VanDenBerg are slated to fill the four available slots.
Ganges Township
Republicans Richard Hutchins, and George Thompson (186) barely surpassed Aaron Mohr (176) for the two trustee positions.
Cheshire Township
Steve Revor will return as the Republican choice for Township Supervisor and will have no Democrat opponent in November.
Casco Township
The competition in Casco Township fell to the Republican Trustee positions were taken in a very close race by Mary Campbell (216) and Dan Fleming but Paul Macyauski (208) was right behind. The two will go against Democrat Judy Pollack in November to fill the two township vacancies.

Allegan County
Sheriff. Republican incumbent Frank Baker will face no Democrat opponent in November.
Prosecuting Attorney. Myrene Koch (8,166) fell to Michael Villar (8,248) to fill the Republican ticket. Villar will have no Democratic opponent in November.
County Commissioner District 4. Incumbent Republican Scott Beltman will have no Democrat opposition in November.
County Commissioner District 1. Craig Van Beek will be the Republican candidate and have no Democratic challenger.

Allegan County Court
Judge of Circuit Court 48th Circuit. This is the newest judgeship opened by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Election results were: Alice Bernal 2946, Emily Jipp 9695 and Elizabeth Peterson 7134.

State of MI House of Representatives
42nd District. Republican Matt Hall will face Democrat Austin Marsman in November.
39th District. Democrat Kerry Tapper (255) snuck by Jared Polonowski (226). Tapper will face Republican Pauline Wendzel in November.
38th District. Republican Kevin Whiteford will face Democrat Joey Andrews in November.

Representative for U. S. Congress
4th District. Republican Bill Huizenga will face Democrat Jessica Swartz in November.

U.S. Senate
Democrat Elissa Slotkin will face off against Republican Mike Rogers.

The proposals across Allegan County focused on recovering millage lost to Headley adjustments. Precincts asked for small milage amounts for needs such as road maintenance, fire protection/equipment, police protection, ambulance service, and waste/recycling services. All proposals passed except for Leighton Township, Salen Township and Wayland Township who voted down the request for road maintenance.
Allegan County
Precincts across the county needed to approve the renewal of the 9-1-1 millage along with the County Road maintenance renewal. Both issues passed in all precincts.

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