Albion Recorder & Morning Star News

There’s NO place like HOME

Mary Kurtz at Stirling Books & Brew with owner Jim Stuart and her parents Chris and Chizuyo KurtzMary Kurtz singing

By Octavia Crawford Turner

Special to The Recorder

Mary Kurtz is a successful recording artist and an Internet Influencer.

In November, Kurtz came from Georgia where she currently resides to Michigan to introduce and drop her new single called “OKAY.”  The choice location for her single-release concert was Stirling Books & Brew,119 N. Superior St., downtown Albion. Owner and Operators Jim and Staci Stuart opened their door to the intimate group of family and friends for Kurtz to perform her new single live for the first time since it was released.

Lee Embry, who has been a part of the family for many years, stated how excited he was to be in the room. “I have seen Mary grow from a little girl to the young woman she is today. She has special gifts, and I am so happy to be here to support her. I will continue to support her and whenever she is in the vicinity, I will be showing up,” he concluded.

Kurtz, who goes by the professional name of Eternityy, is extremely popular on the social media platforms. She has 3.3 million followers on TikTok and over 300,000 followers on Instagram. She is the daughter of Chris and Chizuyo Kurtz of Albion.

Coming from an incredibly talented family, Kurtz continues to improve her craft. Projecting style, grace, and a huge smile, she agrees that there is no place like her hometown Albion. It is from this place that she continues to receive love and support. Albion is where she learned that she can be successful anywhere in the world.

Kurtz recently released a remix of her song “OKAY,” which is streaming on all platforms. You can follow her on TikTok and Instagram @OFFICIALETERNITYY

Photos by Octavia Crawford Turner

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