By Gari Voss
Allegan area residents braved a stiff wind and dropping temperature to gather on Monday, November 11, 2024, beginning at 11am and celebrate all who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States and the rededicate the Union Soldier statue that now resides at the corner of Walnut and Trowbridge Streets.
The remembrance began on Riverfront Plaza in Allegan at the Armed Services Memorial celebrating the many veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Specialist 5 Peter Antkoviak gave a brief history of Veterans Day, formerly Armistice Day, and a thank you to the many men and women who served in the different branches of the United States military.
“This is a day to remember the men and women who put their love of God and their country, liberty and freedom above life itself. It should also be a day of rejoicing. Rejoicing in the men and women who have measured up to our responsibility,” shared SPC 5 Antkoviak. “While these responsibilities may have shifted and evolved with each subsequent generation, the love for this country is a common thread.”
The group traveled up to Courthouse Square and the new location of the Civil War Soldier. Emcee Jenifer Garcia introduced County Commissioner Jim Storey who welcomed those in attendance. After opening thoughts by Pastor Patrick White, Mark Lovett, president of the Allegan County Historical Society, shared the story of the Civil War Soldier statue that was created in the early 1900s as a memorial to all from the Allegan area who gave their time, and many their lives, to reunite the American states during the Civil War.
The history lesson followed by words from Len Sheaffer, Jr., the Commander of General Benjamin D. Pritchard Camp 20 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and the Keynote from the Honorable Matthew Antkoviak of the 48th Circuit Court.
The gathering was punctuated with cake and hot chocolate provided by the Eagles and the playing of taps by Allegan High School trumpeters Tarra Fitzhugh and Mathew Lyon. Those gathered were invited to travel to the Immanuel Lutheran Church on Grand Street to enjoy lunch and share time and stories with the veterans in attendance.